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How to Deal with Altitude Sickness in Tibet

How to Deal with Altitude Sickness in Tibet

Written byCarol WangUpdated Jul. 20, 2023

Most people are worried aboutaltitude sicknessand search for lots of information to reduce the risks. However, it's hard to avoid altitude sickness if you ascend to a high altitude, especially if you are used to living at a low altitude.

Tibethas anaverage altitudeof roughly 4,400 meters (14,000 feet) above sea level. If you are concerned aboutaltitude sicknesswhen planning a Tibet tour, please read the following tips on reducing altitude sickness in Tibet.

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At What Height Will I Get Altitude Sickness?

Generally speaking, most people begin to have some altitude sicknesssymptomswhen they reach somewhereabove 2,700 meters(8,900feet) above sea level.

And usually, symptoms of altitude sickness begin 6–48 hours after reaching high altitude areas.

Tibet Altitude Tibet Altitude

How Long Does Altitude Sickness Last?

Generally, altitude sickness symptoms shouldsubside in 3 days. When you get off your plane/train, you won't feel any altitude sickness.

However, after wandering aroundLhasa Cityfor a few hours, for example, you mayfeel weakand suffer from a headache.

Your body can get used to it gradually if you stay at thesame altitude. Therefore, we usually suggest our customersspend 3 daysin Lhasa city to travel around and adapt to thehigh altitude.

后,你的身体已经适应了to the altitude in Lhasa, you may decide tovisit a higher-altitude destination, such asEverest Base Campat 5,200 meters (17,060 feet).

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No matter who you are— male or female, senior or young, unfit or very fit —you will probably experience altitude sickness. Take it easy— it's common among all travelers to Tibet.

Nearlyall travelersentering Tibet will experience it, whether strongly or only slightly. So, you may get manytipsand suggestions from others who have been to Tibet before.

Altitude Sickness

It's usuallynot so terriblethat you'll want to withdraw from a Tibet tour. Learn aboutaltitude sicknesssymptoms below. Most travelers feel the followingsymptoms:

  • Headache and dizziness
  • Weakness and tiredness
  • No appetite
  • Shortness of breath
  • Some people feel like being sick
  • Severe sicknesses is rare: swelling, shock, spasms, and pulmonary edema

At night, you might feelshort of breathand find itdifficult to fall asleep.Headaches can be worse at night. All but the severe symptoms above are very common for every traveler and can be reduced by taking certainmedicines.

Who is Prone to Altitude Sickness?

People with seriousheart diseaseshould not go to Tibet, and people with light heart troubles must follow theirdoctor's advice, as should people withhigh or low bloodpressure, etc.

Anybody who is unwell should postpone/forego a trip to Tibet. Any sickness or reduced fitness will make you more prone to altitude sickness.

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How to Reduce Altitude Sickness

Although altitude sickness is common for travelers to Tibet, you have totake it seriously,because if you get severe altitude sickness, it can kill you. So, makegood preparationsto ensure a safe and smooth trip.

1. Things to Do before Departure

Here are some of theprecautionsyou can take before entering Tibet, according to previous experiences:

  • Try tokeep healthyand avoid catching a cold before entering Tibet. If you even catch a cold before departure, you are advised to postpone your trip or change your itinerary.
  • Consult your doctorabout what to do to prepare (or even if you should go) if you have any health concerns.

2. Prepare Medicines to Alleviate Altitude Sickness

Ask your doctor whichmedicine is suitable for you to use in order toreduce the effectsof altitude sickness. Here are some medicines you may consider taking with you, following medical advice:

  • Acetazolamide (Diamox) causes the body to breathe more oxygen: a general altitude sickness reducer
  • Dexamethasone for brain swelling: take it for several days before doing any climbing
  • Ibuprofen for minor headaches and bodily maladies
  • Nifedipine for high blood pressure and to aid breathing at a high altitude
  • Furosemide for an extreme case of pulmonary swelling

If yourun out of medicineduring your trip, you should tell yourtour guide, who will be happy to help you get some more.

Your tour guide can take you to alocal pharmacyand will also prepare a freeoxygen bottlein the bus/car in case you are badly in need of oxygen.

If you feel veryuncomfortable. For example, if you have been sick several times, are having trouble breathing, or have a severe headache, you should getmedical advice, consider going to ahospital,ordescendto a lower altitude destination.

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What is the Fastest Way to Adjust to High Altitudes in Tibet?

1. Do Things That Reduce Altitude Sickness Naturally

The following things not to do should be followed to give you the best chance to adapt to high altitudes.

  • Don't do any strenuous exercise. Don't run or jump, even if you feel energetic. Rest more.
  • Don't overeat, but do eat more vegetables and drink more water.
  • Don't take a shower in the first 2 days, or just take a quick warm shower if you have to, taking every precaution against catching a cold.
  • 烟不喝酒,吸烟者应该是little as possible.

2. Eat Foods That Help with Altitude Sickness

  • Carbohydratescan increase your energy which will help counteract altitude sickness's weakening effects. Bananas, sweet potatoes, and oats are good, healthy carbohydrate sources.
  • Iron-rich foodswill help to introduce more red blood cells to increase your body's oxygen capacity. Foods rich in iron include spinach, chicken, beef, cereals, and raisins.
  • Vegetablesandfruits富含维生素C将支持健康的免疫system, for example, strawberries, carrots, blueberries, eggplant, mushrooms,and cauliflower.
  • Vitamin Ecan reduce the oxidative stress level of muscles and can help with reducing fatigue and promoting blood circulation. It is found in bright-colored fruits: mangos, tomatoes, etc.
  • Some localTibetan foodsare also helpful to reduce high-altitude effects, such as reishi mushrooms, caterpillar fungus, and butter tea.
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What Are the Treatments for Severe Altitude Sickness in Tibet?

If you developsevere altitude sicknesswhile traveling or walking in Tibet, you must immediatelydescendto a lower altitude for rest and then keep descending until symptoms go away, while usingbottled oxygento avoid hypoxia.

If symptoms don't get better with bottled oxygen use, or if theyget worse, then getmedical helpright away. Please do ask your tour guide for help. She/he will find the nearest/bestmedical institutionfor you.

Even if symptoms are completely gone, youshould not go any higherin altitude. You are suggested tostay in Lhasafor good rest or even leave Tibetby flight.

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Suggestions for Going to Higher Altitude Areas in Tibet, e.g. EBC

When traveling toEverest Base Camp(EBC), the motto is “ascend slowly ascend slowly”. Everest Base Camp is a long way from Lhasa and there are no direct flights.

Don't expect to have a great trip there in3 to5 days.If you want to have a great trip and a pleasantly memorable Everest Base Camp tour, you are recommended to plan for more than8 daysin Tibet.

It is strongly recommended that youascend slowly. The following are itinerary suggestions for your EBC trip.

1. Spend 2–3 Days in Lhasa City to Acclimate

You won't feel any sicknessupon arrivaland in the first few hours. However, you will probably get aheadache at nightas the first symptom of your altitude sickness.

We recommend that you spend a couple of days inLhasa Cityto get used to its high altitude of 3,600 meters (11,800 feet).

When sleeping, remember to keep yourhead higherthan your body with a high pillow. If you are worried about sleep issues at night, you canask us to helparrange hotels that provide rooms with free oxygen.

>>Find out the Hotels with Oxygen Supply

2. Spend 1 Day in Shigatse on the Way to EBC

If you are planning to visitEverest Base Camp, you are recommended to spend1 nightinShigatseat 3,800 meters (12,467 feet). As thedrivingtime from Lhasa to Shigatse is6-7 hours, you will probably get too tired if you keep going.

Always keep well rested to reduce altitude effects.

3. Spend an Extra Night in Tingri if Time Permits

If your time and budget permit, you are recommended tospend another nightinTingri Townataltitude 4,300meters (14,107 feet) on the way to EBC at 5,200 meters (17,060 feet).

Otherwise, you will be in a car/bus for about10 hoursfrom Shigatse to EBC.

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Visit Tibet with Us for Fewer Altitude Worries

We can help you to get acclimatized with the best hotel and food options for you. Our travel experts will advise. We also select and train the best local guides who are experienced at helping visitors overcome altitude sickness.

Check out our most popular Tibet tours:

See all ourTibet Toursfor more options. Orcontact us for a customized trip based on your ideas.

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