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Chinese and Western Thought — Knowing the Differences Helps

Chinese and Western Thought — Knowing the Differences Helps

Written byGavinUpdated Aug. 14, 2023

也许会感到惊奇youhow people from two different cultures can have such different thinking and attitudes!

When visiting China (if coming from a Western country), it will help you greatly to think about the differences between Eastern and Western thinking, in order tounderstand Chinese culture, and to avoid so much culture shock.

Chinese and Western Thought

Thinking — Eastern (Chinese) vs. Western

Thought Eastern (Chinese) Western
Where thinking happens Internally Externally
Perception Holistic Focused
Priority Society The individual
Bad Behavior Shame Guilt
Goal Harmony Truth
Attitude Accepting Questioning
Processing Cyclic Linear
Tendency Repetition Innovation

东方和西方之间的差异t can be clearly seen in modern society, despite globalization and unifying influences.

The differences listed below are heavily stereotyped, generalized, and polarized.Not all Chinese (or Westerners) think this way, but these are observed tendencies.

Aspect 1: Where Thinking Happens — Internally or Externally

Chinese people like tointernalize, i.e. keep their thoughts to themselves. Westerners like toexternalize, i.e. share their thoughts.

Private space中国人在他们的头;对于Westerners it's in their homes (or wherever they can't be seen or heard).

Aspect 2: Perception — Holistic or Focused

People in the East tend to look at the whole picture and all the details, whereas people in the West concentrate on the main point or goal.

Aspect 3: Priority — Society or the Individual

O or I People, Chinese and Western Thought

In China, many people are prepared to do things for the good ofsociety. They feel a strong sense ofunity.

In the West,independenceandfreedom of choiceare highly valued. Westerners feel a strong sense ofindividualism. They don't say "our" so much.

O or I People

“东方思想”可以表示为一个“O”(for "Our" or a ring of people linking hands). "Western thought" on the other hand can be represented by an 'I' (for "Individual" or 'the first person singular' or someone standing on their own).

Aspect 4: Bad Behavior — Shame or Guilt

In Chinaprimary reaction to personal 'bad behavior' isshame, but only ifsocietyjudges the behavior as bad.

In the Westthe main reaction isguilt, and this is personally driven by theindividual, according to what he/she thinks is wrong.

In the East,harmonyand conformity tosociety's ways (including rituals andface-saving) is preferred as a way of preserving order, while in the West legalism andpursuit of "the truth"are preferred.

Aspect 5: Goal — Harmony or Truth

Chinese Foreigner Conversation

Chinesehave a strong system ofrespect. Much of this comes from the Confucian system of hierarchy. Harmony is considered more important than pointing out faults, so, when a fault must be mentioned, great care is taken toavoid giving offense.

Westernershave a strong sense of what isright and wrong, and want to know what the"truth"of a situation is. While in the East respect is taken for granted, in the West respect is earned, and criticism is typically direct and unveiled.

In China, be more generous with respect and tactful with criticism.

Aspect 6: Attitude — Accepting or Questioning

在中国,人们普遍接受authority figuressay, and express agreement (even if they don't agree). In the West people question even the highest authority figures… all the time… and often quite openly.

Keep on questioningafter you arrive in China, but in many situations it may be advisable to keep your thoughts to yourself.

Aspect 7: Processing — Cyclic or Linear

O or I Thinking, Chinese and Western Thought

For Chinesethere is a recurring process of improvement (i.e."things occur in cycles") with no definite end goal that can be reached.

Westernersfocus on getting to the end goal using the most efficient method (i.e. "a straight line").

O or I Thinking

Once again it may help to think of an 'O' representing a repetitive, cyclic, holistic, consistent approach, and an 'I' for direct, linear, focused innovative thinking, to show the sharp contrast between (stereotyped) Eastern and Western thought.

Aspect 8: Tendency — Consistency or Innovation

In the East (China) there is an emphasis on consistency through formulas and repetition (e.g. the school system, exercises, politeness, rituals). In the West there is an emphasis on innovation and competition.

Thus China has become "the factory of the world" and the West has become "the world's driving force for progress and innovation".

It takes all sorts of thinking to make the world go round, andglobalizationis increasingly bringing both ends of the spectrum together.

The forces of capitalismare now driving competition and innovation in China, which often goes against the grain, and consistency is also a goal in the West, but more difficult to achieve there.

Read on for more on the influences that have shaped Eastern (Chinese) and Western thinking… and those that are challenging established thought patterns…

Influences on Thinking — Eastern (Chinese) vs. Western

Influence Eastern (Chinese) Western
Geography Isolated Accessible
History Chinese History Western History
Philosophy Confucianism Rationalism
Religion (Beliefs) Taoism, etc. Christianity
Government Communism Democracy
Globalization Capitalism
Modern Society Consumerism

In the past Eastern (Chinese) and Western cultures have had非常different formative influences, leading to major differences in thinking.

(Other influences on thought may include language, climate, and genetics, but they are more speculative.)

Basically there arefour ancient influences(geography, history, philosophy, and religion)and three modern influences(government, capitalism, and consumerism).

Influences on Eastern (Chinese) and Western Thinking

Ancient Influence 1: Geography

Differences in Eastern (Chinese) and Western thinking may stem from something as simple as where people have lived.

While China is surrounded byhuge mountain ranges, deserts, and ocean, Western (European) nations have been surrounded by relativelysmaller geographical obstaclesand more navigable seas.

Isolated, hostile geography may have contributed toinsular thinking, and accessible geography may have promoted moreindividual and externalized thinking.

Ancient Influence 2: History

A generalized summary:While Westerners were exploring the world: fighting with, trading with, living with, and conquering other nations, while at the same time letting other nations across their borders; the Chinese were consumed with controlling things within their own borders, minding their own business, developing their own culture, and keeping others out.

Basically Westerners seem always to have beenindividualistic externalists, whereas the Chinese seem always to have beensociety-favoring internalists.

Actions have reinforced thought patterns, and established thought has led to more of the same actions, in a chicken-and-egg scenario lasting millennia.

Ancient Influence 3: Philosophy

The founders of the contrasting philosophies of Confucianism and Rationalism all lived around 500 BC, but in quite different environments, as discussed above.


Confucius Statue at the Imperial Academy, BeijingConfucius Statue atthe Imperial Academy, Beijing

"Lead the people with administrative injunctions and put them in their place with penal law, and they will avoid punishments but will be without a sense of shame. Lead them with excellence and put them in their place through roles and ritual practices, and in addition to developing a sense of shame, they will order themselves harmoniously." (Analects of Confucius II, 3)

Chinese philosophy (Confucianism) can be summarized as:

  • "I think(of roles and rituals, excellence and shame),
    therefore I am(a harmonious member of society)."

Rationalism and Western Thought

Socrates and Plato, the founders of rationalism, taughtindividual understanding, throughrational deductive thought, as the basis for comprehending the world. They also taughtsegregated thinking, in terms of the body and soul, individual and society, etc.

Descartes, "the father of modern Western philosophy", was also a rationalist, famous for his statement "Cognito ergo sum" — "I think, therefore I am".

Western philosophy can be summarized as follows:

  • "I think(rationally and deductively),
    therefore I am(a free and living individual soul)."

Ancient Influence 4: Religion (Beliefs)


Although all the religions/beliefs covered below have Eastern roots, Christianity (particularly Protestantism) has developed according to and reinforced "Western thinking", whereas Taoism, Buddhism, and ancestor veneration dovetail with "Eastern thinking".

In China: Taoism, Buddhism, and Ancestor Veneration

Taoismdeveloped in China from the fourth century BC with principles ofharmonyandcyclic repetitious processes. It promotesholisticandaccepting thoughtand behavior, and claimsno absolute truth.

Buddhismarrived in China in the first century AD, with similar principles to Taoism. Since then Buddhist rites and principles of rebirth,harmony, andrepetition, and have influenced Chinese thought and culture.

There are not many practicing Taoists or Buddhists in China today, but there are非常many ancestor venerators.

Some people believe their departed ancestors need to be provided for by descendants. Others believe that ancestors not are even aware of what their descendants do for them, but the expression of filial piety is still important. In any case this ancestor veneration has again influenced thought in the direction ofrepetition,society, andshame.

In the West: (Protestant) Christianity

Christianity has been the prevalent worldview in the West (Europe) since about 300 AD. It can be said that generally the West has aChristian moral framework.

A Christian worldview includes a belief inabsolute truth: one God created us all and has standards that apply to all people, andguiltis experienced if God's standards are not met.

Though Christianity teaches love for all people, unity, and an acceptance of God's word, its (Protestant) interpretation in the West tends to supportindividual,focused,linearprogress ("innovation") towards a heavenly goal, and aquestioning attitudein the pursuit oftruth.

(See the Chinese interpretation of Christianity onChristianity in China.)

Modern Influence 1: Government

Chinese government emblemThe Chinese government emblem and 为人民服务 — 'serving the people'

Until recent centuries, Eastern and Western nations were all governed by a single ruler (and this tended to promote "Eastern thought").

However, when China departed from absolute monarchy it went the route of single-party republicanism and communism, whereas the West has adopted democracy.

Chinese Thought and Communism

Communism fits the Eastern (Chinese) thought tenets outlined above, with its emphasis onsociety, common ownership and production, and egalitarian conformity, encouragingcyclic repetition, andholistic, accepting, internalized thought.

While Communism is not practiced in China today,its influence lingersin education and strong one-party government control of commerce and the populace.

Western Thought and Democracy

Democracy, in itsexternalized focuson theindividual, transparency (thetruthwill out), andquestioningof government, can be seen to encourage "Western thought" even more than Communism and single-party government encourages "Eastern thought".

Modern Influences 2 and 3: Capitalism and Consumerism

a trolley full of packages

While the modern influences of capitalism and consumerism are shared the world over, established thought processes in China and the West have produceddiffering responses and tensionsin modern society.

Capitalism in the Context of Eastern vs Western Thought

Different goals:Capitalism means that everyone is out to earn more, but in China wealth is (more) happily or customarily shared within the (extended) family and nation, whereas in the West wealth is (more) focused towards individual and private advancement.

Consumerism in the Context of Eastern vs Western Thought

Different motives:Consumerism means that e.g. "everyone must have a car to feel good". However, in China people buy carsto fit in, whereas in the West people buy carsto stand out! Generally, Chinese motives aresociety-driven, and Western motives areindividual-driven.

Different behavior:In China, for example, people drive cars in the way(local) societydeems okay, withno guiltregarding the law. In the West people drive cars in the waythe law and the individualdeem as right, withno shamefrom what observers might think. More onTraffic in China>>>

Different conflicts:In China, the selfishness of consumerism conflicts with an inbuilt regard for family and society.In the West, the indulgence of consumerism goes against themoral and rational virtuesof simplicity and prudence, humility and frugality.

Conclusion: Both "Eastern" and "Western" Thought Are Good

You may still be thinking that your own way of thinking (i.e. Western thinking) is best. But, hopefully through this article, you can understand how and why Chinese thought has developed and can appreciate some of its benefits.

Thinking About Visiting China?

Having fun on the River Li in GuilinYou can really have fun in China when your guide understands your way of thinking.

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