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Tibet Travel Guide 2023/2024

Tibet Travel Guide 2023/2024

Written byCarol WangUpdated Apr. 3, 2023

Tibet is now open to traveling.Commonly referred to as the "roof on the world", Tibet has the world's highest "castle" — thePotala Palaceand the world's tallest peak —Mount Everest(海拔8848米)。藏传佛教占主导地位s the cultural landscape, and there are many Buddhist monasteries scattered across Tibet.

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1. Can I visit Tibet now?

Tibet is now open for traveling without quarantine.

Please remember,independent travel is not allowed: you will need to go on an organized tour provided by a certified travel agent who will also provide your Tibet Permit.

Send us your inquiryif you would like some provisional help with planning. To ease your concerns, You enjoy 100% refund of any payments made to China Highlights prior to 3 weeks before departure (detail⇒).

2. How to Get a Tibet Permit

Tibet Permit Tibet Permit

Applying for a Tibet permit is adifferent processfrom getting your China visa.Application from individuals is not accepted: it must be done through a travel agency.

Fortunately, it is easy for us to handle all the procedures andwe can 99% guarantee your Tibet permit success.With ourstep-by-stepguidance, applications are almost always successful. The procedure is as follows:

Step 1Get a China Tourist Visa

If you are from a Visa-free country, just disregard this step.

Step 2Confirm a tour package with a travel agent

No matter whether it is a group tour or a private tour.

Step 3Send us copies of your passport and China visa

If you are from Visa-free countries, just send your passport to us.

Step 4Send us copies of your passport and China visa

Normally it will be posted by express mail to your pre-Tibet stop.

Except for L(Visitor/Tourist) Visa holders, you are also required to provideproof of a place at your company/school

China expats, you will need to provide awork/study certificate

Don't worry: your travel agency (we) will give you guidance in preparing all the items.

Click here to plan your tailor-made tour now. Your 1:1 travel consultant will reply within 1 working day.

3. It is Safe to Visit Tibet?

Family Trip in Tibet Family tour in Tibet

As far as personal security goes,Tibet is a safe place with a low crime rate.Even if you walk around Tibet alone in your free time, your personal security is not expected to be threatened.

When walking in the streets of Lhasa you will findlots of police stations, and armed policemen can be seen everywhere in the streets. They are normally on duty 24/7.

As a pure land with devoted Buddhist people, wherever you go a wide smile will be there to greet you.

With anaverage elevationof 4,500 meters (15,000 feet) above sea level, probably your biggest concern isaltitude sicknessin Tibet.

It isperfectly okayfor ordinary people to travel to Tibet, includingseniorsorkids, however, it is suggested that youconsult a doctorbefore traveling if you have a heart problem or high blood pressure.

Oxygen cylinderswill be available in the vehicle for every China Highlights customer during your stay in Tibet.

You may want to read more aboutstaying healthy in Tibet


4. Things Not to Do When Planning a Tibet Trip

  • Don't book your tour any later than 10 daysbefore departure to ensure we have (your travel agency has) plenty of time to apply for Tibet permits.
  • Don't book flights before the Tibet permit is issued,especially during this COVID-19-affected period. You might find that a Tibet Permit is required to confirm a flight booking, but your permit cannot be obtained until 2–7 days before your tour! It is better to ask a travel agent (us) to organize your flight tickets as it is easy for them (us) to handle all these problems, as well as canceling flight tickets if there is any travel ban due to COVID-19, etc.
  • Don't plan your Tibet trip for March.Tibet will be closed to foreign travelers during the Tibetan New year period, which is usually in February/March and is based on the Tibetan calendar. During this period, it is worth considering other Tibetan regions such asQinghai,Sichuan, andYunnan, which have many of the cultural and scenic attractions that Tibet does without access restrictions.
  • Don't arrange a tight schedule in Tibetto sure your tour arrangement is as flexible as possible. You may need more time to let your body get used to the high altitude.
  • Don't make changes to your itinerary(such as pre-Lhasa city or travel destinations in Tibet) once your Tibet Entry Permit is issued,otherwise, you will need to apply for a new one! Please do tell your travel agency (us) in advance if you want to make any changes to your Tibet plan.

5. Tibet Weather — Best Times to Travel to Tibet

Tibet has distinct dry and wet seasons. Generally speaking, thedry seasonis fromOctober to Apriland therainy seasonlasts fromMay to September.

The weather in Tibet islargely affected by altitude.Therefore, even in the same month, the temperature in southern (low altitude) and northern (high altitude) Tibet can be very different.

So,Tibe旅游的最佳时间是什么时候t?This question is always asked by many travelers. Well, there is no best month to visit Tibet for every activity or traveler: every season has its advantages and characteristics.

Aside from the weather factor, there are many reasons for you to explore Tibet in different months, which can show you different scenery and cultural activities for different travel experiences.

Below we cover the weather and recommended attractions for each season in Tibet.

Spring: March-May

City/ Attraction Avg. Altitude (m) March (°C) April (°C) May (°C)
(Potala Palace)
Low 3,500 -4 0 4
High 3,800 6 9 14
(Lake Yamdrok)
Low 3,800 -2 0 5
High 4,000 10 11 17
(Everest Base Camp)
Low 4,300 -10 -5 0
High 5,200 8 8 14
(Lake Namsto)
Low 4,500 -8 -5 0
High 4,500 4 5 10
(Mount Kailash)
Low 4,500 -8 -4 1
High 6,500 3 5 11
(Ranwu Lake)
Low 3,000 2 3 3
High 3,800 13 14 14

Strictly speaking,travel to Tibet in springis onlyfrom April to May, as Tibetclosesto foreign travelersin Marchdue to the political sensitivity of Tibetan New Year.

During this period, it is warm in the daytime and with a lot of sunlight, but cold in the evening. This is not the peak tourist season for Tibet tourism, so you can enjoy a lack of crowding a shoulder season's rate of hotels.

If you plan to travel to Tibetin early or mid-April,the peach blossom inNyingchiis really worth seeing, which is about 400 km (250 miles) from Lhasa.

You can spend your initial 3 days in Lhasa to see its highlights, such as thePotala PalaceandJokhang Temple, then drive to Nyingchi. One the way, the greenRawok Lakeand breathtaking view ofNamjagbarwa Peakare amazing.

You could tourNyingchi for about 3 days, and leave Tibet from Nyingchi Airport. The airport has direct flights to Beijing, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, Xi'an, Lanzhou.

RecommendedTibet Tours:

Summer: June–August

City/ Attraction Avg. Altitude (m) June (°C) July (°C) August (°C)
(Potala Palace)
Low 3,500 9 8 9
High 3,800 21 18 18
(Lake Yamdrok)
Low 3,800 9 9 9
High 4,000 21 18 17
(Everest Base Camp)
Low 4,300 6 7 6
High 5,200 19 17 17
(Lake Namsto)
Low 4,500 3 5 6
High 4,500 14 16 15
(Mount Kailash)
Low 4,500 6 8 7
High 6,500 16 17 18
(Ranwu Lake)
Low 3,000 8 12 12
High 3,800 18 21 20

The weather is warmer, and theair's oxygen content is higher during summer.Although it is the rainy season in Tibet, it will not rain all day and it will generally have no impact on your daily itinerary.

It ispeak season in JulyandAugustdue to school vacations, so it's more crowded than other months, and there are higher costs due to the higher demand for flights, trains, and hotels.

Summer is the best chance to see more of Tibet.You can enjoy most of the sights in Tibet when nature is at its most vibrant.

You can get an excellent view of mountain peaks and lakes, such as atEverest Base Camp,Lake Yamdrok, andLake Namsto(as long as it's not too cloudy). It's also a good time to go trekking.

Perhaps themost wonderful thingto do in Tibet in summer is to have acamping experience in Galai Village— a beautiful Tibetan nomad village about 4 hours from Lhasa by car.

Local people make their living by growing barley and raising yaks there every summer.You can take part in the work of local Tibetans.In the evening, you can cook and enjoy dinner with a local Tibetan family.

Sleep in your tent right by the nomad's tent. Check out our7-Day Tibet Camping Tourfor more details.

JulyandAugustare a"sea of festivals", withShoton Festival,Tibetan Bathing Festival,Horse Racing Festival,Ganden Thangka Festival, and more.

During these festivals, you can have a view ofBuddhist activitiessuch asThangka unveiling, horse racing, and archery contests, as well as Tibetan opera, music, and dancing.

Send us an inquiryto celebrate a festival with Tibetans.

RecommendedTibet Tours:

Autumn: September–November

City/ Attraction Avg. Altitude (m) Sep. (°C) Oct. (°C) Nov. (°C)
(Potala Palace)
Low 3,500 6 2 -3
High 3,800 16 15 7
(Lake Yamdrok)
Low 3,800 5 0 -7
High 4,000 16 14 12
(Everest Base Camp)
Low 4,300 3 0 -6
High 5,200 15 14 10
(Lake Namsto)
Low 4,500 3 -1 -6
High 4,500 12 11 6
(Mount Kailash)
Low 4,500 6 0 -8
High 6,500 16 11 4
(Ranwu Lake)
Low 3,000 9 6 0
High 3,800 19 17 12

Fall is the second busiest season for travel to travel to Tibetdue to its comfortable weather, and Lhasa may be crowded, especially during the first week of October withChina's public holidaytourists.

You can travel to every place in Tibet during autumn, which provides the year'sbest weather for hiking.The most popular trekking trails by far are theEverest Base Camp Trekand theMount Kailash (Yatra) Trek— a famous pilgrimage route.

BothSeptemberandOctoberare the best months to admire the breathtaking snow-cappedMount Everestwhen the sky is particularly blue, the air is clean and dry, and there are few clouds. You can enjoy a clear view of the summit of Mount Everest fromRongbuk Monastery

See our tour packages for a starting place for your ownEBC Camp TrekandMount Kalaish (Yatra) Trek

11-Day Tibet Tour with Everest Base Camp Trek

8-Day Lhasa to Everest Base Camp Tour
Pilgrimage to the Roof of the World view more

In Winter: December–February

City/ Attraction Avg. Altitude (m) Dec. (°C) Jan. (°C) Feb. (°C)
(Potala Palace)
Low 3,500 -3 -9 -8
High 3,800 7 5 3
(Lake Yamdrok)
Low 3,800 -7 -10 -8
High 4,000 12 7 6
(Everest Base Camp)
Low 4,300 -6 -13 -12
High 5,200 10 7 4
(Lake Namsto)
Low 4,500 -6 -17 -14
High 4,500 6 0 0
(Mount Kailash)
Low 4,500 -8 -11 -11
High 6,500 4 2 2
(Ranwu Lake)
Low 3,000 0 -1 -1
High 3,800 12 9 11

Probably you have this question —will Tibet be very cold in winter?Tibet's winter (November to February)does not feel coldin the daytime! Especially in Lhasa, although the average daily high temperature is around 5°C (41°F), it is usually sunny, dry, and comfortable outside during the day.

Winter is Tibetan people's leisure timeand many of them choose to makea pilgrimage trip to Lhasafrom their various Tibet regions. Small religious activities can be found in many corners of Lhasa.

Walk onBarkhor Street, and you will find devout Tibetans prostrating themselves on the ground after every few steps in worship.

Lakes remain frozen till mid-April.Lake NamtsoandLake Yamdrokdo not seem such good ideasduring this period.

In winter,blue glaciersare an unusual and striking feature of Tibet, with ice cracks and bubbles all over the frozen lakes, the huge ice blocks appear to be a charming blue color.

InJanuaryandFebruary, you can walk across frozenRawok Laketo get close to the glacier tongue.

See our Laigu Glacier winter tour package.

冬天去西藏是一个伟大的money-saver, as hotel and flight/train ticket prices will be at their most reasonable. Some tourist attractions have a winter entrance fee which is much cheaper than usual.

It is also easier to obtain train tickets for you to experience theQinghai-Tibet Railway, which also means you spend less on booking fees.

6. Budgeting for a Trip to Tibet

Many people are curious abouthow much a trip to Tibet is.We can definitely say Tibet isnot a budget-friendlytravel destination.

Comparing private tour packages for Beijing and Tibet: our4-day Beijing city tourcosts aroundUS$600/per person, while our4-day Lhasa city touris aboutUS$800/per person (based on a group of 2 people).

How Much is a Typical Trip to Tibet?

Well, it depends on where, when, how many people, how many days, hotel class, private or group tour, transport, and other requirements you may have.

Generally speaking, astandard tour of Tibet is around 8 days, during which you can see the main highlights, represented bythe Potala Palace,Lake Yamdrok, andEverest Base Camp

If yourholiday is longer,您可以扩展你的旅行到其他领域的西藏,such asLake Namtso, or even spend a night onthe Qinghai-Tibet train, however,it is best to stay no less than 5 daysin Tibet to at least enjoy all the best views and attractions around Lhasa.

Item Price/p.p Details
Tibet Entry Permits US$0 Included in the tour package
One-way flight from Shanghai to Lhasa US$250 Based on the winter rate
Accommodating fee per night US$80 3-star hotel
US$100 4-star hotel
US$200 5-star hotel
Each meal US$15 Price is based on our previous customers' experience
Service costs for an 8-day tour including Mount Everest Base Camp US$1,800 Guiding, vehicles, admission fees to scenic spots, and arrangement fees for a private tour group of 2 people

让米ost of your budget,you are suggested to book a few months in advance to enjoy some early booking discounts or travel with more than four people to share private tour costs.

If you have a holiday in winter, travel to Tibet inDecemberorJanuaryto enjoy the special winter ratesincluding discounts on hotels, airfares, and entrance tickets.

7. Tips for Traveling with Seniors and Children

  • Make sure any seniors and children in your group are healthy enoughto visit Tibet by consulting a doctor. Seniors with cardiovascular diseases or chronic respiratory ailments are not suggested to travel to Tibet.
  • Stay in Lhasa for 2 days for acclimation before touring any wider in Tibet.
  • Traveling with a wheelchair is not convenient in Tibet, as most of the attractions are located on hillsides without a chairlift or elevator, which means those in wheelchairs will miss the Potala Palace and monasteries. But it is fine to visit the places with flat roads in a wheelchair, such as Barkhor Street, Jokhang Temple, and Lake Yamdrok.
  • Children under 4 years old are not suggested to visit high altitude regionsin Tibet, such as Everest Base Camp (5,200 m), Mount Kailash (4,700–5,600 m), or any place over 4,500 m. Lhasa (3,800 m), Lake Yamdrok (4,000 m), and Nyingchi (3,100 m) are perfect choices for them.
  • Be sure your children can well expresshow they are feeling to identify symptoms of altitude sickness.
  • Bring some snacks for your kids, as the foods in Tibet will probably not be to their liking — most of the dishes have a heavy flavor and will be quite strange to them. However, if your children are adventurous eaters, this could work out well.
  • If you are afamily with 2 adults and 1 kid, your family can simply sleep in one bed if there is enough space or ask for an extra bed or cot.
  • If yourfamily has 2 adults and 2 childrenor more, it is better to book adjoining rooms (rooms are often connected by a door). This type of room is limited in availability and not provided in every hotel, please ask our travel advisor to choose hotels for you.

During our over20 years of experience, we have organized Tibet tours for customers from4 to 82 years old.Please dotell us about any special requests you have, and our professional travel advisor will solve any problems for you.

You may want to read more tips and suggestions onHow to Deal with Altitude Sickness

8. Tibet Travel Insurance

It is wise to gettravel insurancewhen you travel to Tibet. Here is what you need to consider when selecting your policy:

1. It is better to get "cancellation for any reason" insurance in case of a sudden closure of Tibet (although this is not frequent, it could happen at any time). Booking with China Highlights, you enjoy free cancellation up to 22 days before departure for your Tibet tour or other China tours.

2. Check if it covers an emergency medical evacuation, which could help you quickly descend or leave Tibet if you suffer severe altitude sickness.

3. If you plan to trek in Tibet, check if your policy covers trekking in Tibet.

4. Check if your travel insurance includes medical expenses for your trip to Tibet in case you need medical services in a hospital there (due to altitude sickness).

5. Other typical air travel issues should be covered, for example, a snowstorm closing down your airport before you can board your flight to Tibet, or arriving only to find your luggage is on its way to another city…

Based on what we know from our previous customers, the most popular insurance companies are InsureMyTrip and World Nomads.

9. How to Get to Tibet? — Easiest from China

Broadly speaking, there are two ways you can enter Tibet: fromChina's citiesor fromNepal, but the easiest way by far is from the China side.

Travel from China's cities

There aredirect flightsfrom China's major cities toLhasain Tibet, such as fromBeijing,Shanghai,Chengdu, andChongqing.The most frequent and reliable flights to Tibet are from Chengdu, with about eight flights per day.

Trains to Tibetdepart from these cities: Beijing, Shanghai,Guangzhou,Xi'an,Chongqing,Lanzhou, andXining

Xining is the best place to start the trainjourney, as it is the beginning point of the most beautiful section of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway with the shortest train journey to Lhasa (20–22 hours), compared to around 30–50 hours for further departure points.

See more details onHow to Get to Tibet

Example: the Best Way to Travel to Tibet from the U.S.

1. Book a flight from a USA city to a China city: Beijing, Shanghai, etc.

2. Spend a couple of days in your China arrival city to get over jet lag.

3.Take a flight to Chengdu, which is the best city for connecting flights to Lhasa (almost all flights to Tibet stopover in Chengdu). You could happily stay a night in Chengdu — home to China's giant pandas — and spend a day sightseeing in the city before going to Tibet.

A wonderfulpanda volunteer keeper programexperience would be worth a day there.

4. Take a morning flight fromChengdu to Lhasa(2½ hours) so that you can have plenty of time for acclimation in the afternoon before you sleep to avoid altitude sickness effects as much as possible.

On your return journey,you could experience theQinghai-Tibet Railway从拉萨到西宁beautiful scenery along the way, and then take a flight from Xining to a large city in China for the flight home.

Traveling out of Tibet by trainwill help you successfully get train tickets.Lhasa-Xining train ticketsare five timeseasier to buythan Xining - Lhasa tickets! This also means you can save a lot on the ticket booking fee.

Book your Tibet train ticket with our highly rated English service.

Tips:Taking a flight into Tibet is better than a train because a good sleep in a hotel in Lhasa is much more helpful to altitude acclimation than spending a night on the train.

Most passengers find it more difficult to fall asleep on the train, and tiredness makes altitude sickness more uncomfortable.

You may need information aboutHow to deal with altitude sickness in Tibet

Travel from the Nepal Side

There aretwo waysinto Tibet from Nepal:by flightandby road

You should first consider issues of aChina visaandTibet Entry Permit, no matter whether you'll go by flight or road. Procedures are different from traveling from a Chinese mainland city to Tibet.

You must apply for a China visa andTibet permitsin Nepal via a travel agent.任何中国签证在你居住的国家发行的will be invalid for Tibet travel. You will need to stay in Kathmandu for at least 3 working days to wait for the visa and permit.

See more on如何得到一个中国签证和西藏允许在尼泊尔吗

Pleasecontact us for a free consultationorjoin our Facebook groupto get our latest flight information.

By road,you can travel fromKathmandu to Lhasavia theGyirong border(possibly with a convenient side tour to Mount Everest).The distance from Kathmandu to Gyirong Port is approximately 8–9 hours by car.

For more, seeHow to Travel from Nepal to Tibet

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