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佛教in China — Ancient History to Beliefs Today

佛教in China — Ancient History to Beliefs Today

Written byKelly PangUpdated Aug. 23, 2021
佛教in China, The Leshan Giant BuddhaThe Leshan Giant Buddha in China is the world's largest carved Buddha.

Find out about Buddhism in China: who brought Buddhism to ancient China; its history, spread, influence, beliefs... and Chinese Buddhism today.

佛教在中国有悠久的历史,有been instrumental in shaping Chinese culture and tradition. Throughout the millennia, Buddhists in China have faced support and even persecution under the various leaders, but the religion has remained strong, and today China hosts the world's largest Buddhist population. In this article we'll be delving deeper into Chinese Buddhist beliefs, who brought Buddhism to ancient China, its history, influence, and more.

What is Chinese Buddhism and what do Chinese Buddhists believe?

佛教in China, Longmen GrottoesBuddhist deities carved out atthe Longmen Grottoes

Chinese Buddhism is one of the oldest forms of Buddhism in history and China’s oldest foreign religion. Chinese Buddhists believe ina combination of Taoism and Mahayana Buddhism,latter of which teaches that enlightenment can be achieved in a single lifetime.

Mahayana Buddhismwas originally founded during the Kushan Empire and spread to China where various school sects were developed; before spreading farther and becoming popular in other Asian countries like Japan.

How Chinese Buddhism Differs

BudaiThe "Laughing Buddha", the most popular depiction of the Buddha in China

One significantdifferencebetween Chinese Buddhism and original Buddhist teachings is the belief that Buddha is not just a teacher who taught followers what to do, but a god to be prayed to for help and salvation.

Chinese Buddhists believe in acombination ofTaoismand Buddhism, meaning they pray toboth Buddha and Taoist gods.Just like Taoists, Chinese Buddhists also pay homage to their ancestors, with the belief that they need and want their help. A prime example of this combination of religious beliefs is the burning of joss paper by Buddhists during religious ceremonies and festivals, like the annualQingming Festival

Another way in which Chinese Buddhism differs is in the depiction of Buddha. Original Buddhist teachings taught thatBuddha reached Enlightenment after fasting, and it was said that he was非常瘦,面容憔悴。事实上,在许多佛教国家,佛是depicted as being very skinny and meditating under a tree.

In Central Asian Mahayana Buddhism, Buddha is depicted as being strong and healthy, like aGreek godand evidence of this has been found in statues of Buddha carved along the Silk Road before the end of the Tang Dynasty.

In stark contrast to the former, theBudai, or the“Laughing Buddha”has been the most common and most popular depiction of Buddha in China for centuries. Chinese Buddhists’ main goal in life is to “be happy”, and it’s for this reason that depictions of Buddha in China show him as beingfat and laughing, or smiling

佛教's History

佛教started as a Hindu influenced religion in India。Details about Buddha's life and original teachings as presented in the first century BC Buddhist scriptures are important for understanding how Chinese Buddhism developed.

Gautama Buddhawas thefounderof the religion. He lived between 600 and 400 BC. Buddha and his followers left no writings, but his rules for monastic life and teachings were memorized and passed down by oral tradition until about the second century BC when the first Buddhist scriptures were written.

The oral tradition was corrupted. Shortly after this, the first scriptures were brought to China.

Gautama Buddha — Founder of Buddhism

佛教in China, Gautama Buddha statueGautama Buddha statue

Gautama Buddha was said to be the prince of a little kingdom that was in modern Nepal. Maybe he wasn't Indo-European.

There are many legends such as that seers predicted that he would be either a great holy man or a great king. His father wanted him to be a great king and tried to keep his son from all religion and sights of death and suffering. So when grew up, he was shocked by seeing an old man and a corpse. Then, he wanted tosolve suffering and death

When he was 29 years old, he became a disciple of famous teachers in India, learned Hinduism, and wasn't satisfied. Then, he tried to learn the truth throughnot eating and bodily mortification。He nearly starved himself to death and almost drowned.

Then he ate, meditated, and avoided extremes of self-indulgence or self-mortification. However, he was almost like a skeleton. He vowed to sit under a tree until he knew the truth and became "enlightened" when he was 35.

Then he started teaching. He taught that everybody could be "enlightened". He contradicted the Hindu belief that only high-caste people might be holy which threatened the hierarchical society. It is said that many disciples becamearhats(god-like saints who are depicted in many Buddhist sites in China) andhe taught everybody no matter their caste。Some Hindus thought that the religion was false, and his enemies tried to kill him. His idea would destroy the hierarchical society.

He died in old age, and his body was cremated.

First Century BC Buddhist Doctrines

佛教in China, White Horse TempleWhite Horse Temple

佛教as taught in the first scriptures of about the second century BC say that Buddha taught "Four Noble Truths": suffering is a part of existence; the origin of suffering is craving for sensuality, acquisition of identity, and annihilation; suffering can be ended; and following the Noble Eightfold Path is the means to accomplish this.

The Noble Eightfold Path is: right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. Buddhist teachings emphasize ethics and understanding and thatthere is no intermediary between mankind and the divine

The History of Buddhism in China

Dunhuang mogao caveCarvings in the Mogao Grottoes, dating back to 366 AD

ThroughoutChinese history, Buddhism and Chinese Buddhists received a mix ofsupport and persecutionfrom China’s rulers, with some even going as far as to destroy temples and scriptures in an effort toeradicate the religion

Many theories and beliefs surround the early years of Buddhism in China. What’s certain though is that during theQin Dynasty(221-206 BC), Emperor Qin Shi Huang banned all religion and forced the adoption of the philosophy ofLegalism。Even though there’s a possibility that Buddhist teachers may have arrived during this period, thanks to the destruction of religious works at the time, there isno physical evidencesupporting earlier introduction. Thefirst evidenceof Buddhist scriptures in China can be traced back to theHan Dynasty(206 BC – 220 AD), almost 2000 years ago,where Buddhism was merged with the native Taoism and folk religion.

During the Han Dynastytwo natural land routes into China from Buddhist regionsexisted. These were theSilk Roadthat ran throughXinjiang, and theTea Horse RoadthroughYunnan

Following the fall of the Han Dynasty, the dynasties that followed adopted their own religions and haddifferent degrees ofcontact with Buddhistsin Central Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia. Various sects and Schools of Buddhism were developed in these countries, and their teachings were adapted by Chinese Buddhists to formmodern day Chinese Buddhism

The Main Schools of Buddhism in China

佛教in China, Shaolin MonasteryThe Shaolin Monastery in Henan, the birthplace of the Chan (Zen) School of Buddhism

During the peak of Mahayana Buddhism in Chinese Buddhist history, four main Schools of Buddhism emerged in China:Pure Land Buddhism,ChanSchool of Buddhism,TiantaiSchool of Buddhism, and theHuayanSchool of Buddhism

The Chan School of Buddhism

Chanis the most dominant School of Buddhism in China, and more commonly known in the West by its Japanese name:Zen。Many theories surround the creation of the Chan School of Buddhism, and one popular theory credits its establishment to the influential Indian monkBhodidharma

Legend has it that Bhodidharma traveled to China to visit theShaolin Monasteryand was asked to leave after he criticized the monks and their practices. Not one to be dissuaded, Bhodidharma spent nine years meditating in a nearby cave and eventually, the Shaolin monks became so impressed by his religious prowess that they accepted him back into the monastery and started following his teachings.

Once accepted, he fused his knowledge ofMahayana Buddhismwith the Shaolin teachings of the time to establish the Chan School of Buddhism in the6thcentury AD; yet the School's exact creation date remains debatable thanks to the presence of numerous other legends.

Pure Land Buddhism

Pure Land Buddhismis one of the oldest and most popular Schools of Buddhism in China. In around 402 AD, the monkHui-Yanfounded one of the most popular Chinese Buddhist societies – theWhite Lotus SocietyinMount Lu,Southeast China. This society later became the foundation for Pure Land Buddhism. Focused on theAmitābha Buddha, followers of Pure Land Buddhism pray to theAmitabha Buddhafor salvation.

The Tiantai School of Buddhism

Another major early tradition was theTiantai School of Buddhismfounded by the Buddhist monkZhiyi。Based upon the primacy of theLotus Sutra,Tiantai influenced the emergence of a variety of other Schools of Buddhism. Both Pure Land Buddhism and Tiantai have since spread to other countries, with Pure Land Buddhism being the dominant School of Buddhism in Japan.

The Huayan School of Buddhism

TheHuayan School of Buddhismfirst appeared in China during theTang Dynasty。This School of Buddhism was founded under the guidance of five monks (better known as “patriarchs”):Tu-Shun, Chih-Yen, Fa-Tsang, Ch’eng-Kuan, and Kuei-Feng Tsung-Mi。The founding patriarchs were credited with combining Buddhism with Chinese culture, and under the Tang Dynasty, a large portion of the Huyan School of Buddhism was absorbed into the Chan School of Buddhism. After a period of stagnation, the Huayan School of Buddhism began to decline and suffered a massive blow when Emperor Wuzong (814 – 846) imposed aban on all foreign religions, yet some aspects of it still survive in other Asian Schools of Buddhism.

Silk Road Buddhism

佛教in China, Bezeklik Thousand Buddha CavesThe Bezeklik Grottoes along the Silk Road

It is widely believed that Buddhism entered China via the Silk Road under the Han Dynasty. After trade and travel was established with theYuezhi, who by that time were forced southward toward India, Yuezhi monks began to travel with the merchant caravans; preaching their religion along the Silk Road.The Yuezhi religion believed in many deities, of which the Buddha was one, and it quickly spread throughout the region.

During his rule over the Han Dynasty, Emperor Ming had a dream which featured agolden figure。After consulting his ministers, it was determined that he had seen the Buddha, so he sent the officialCai Yin to Central Asia to learn more about Buddhism.After three years, Cai Yin finally returned and, on his return, brought with him Buddhist scriptures and monks to preach throughout China, giving birth to therise of Buddhism in China

佛教in China, White Horse Temple White Horse Templein Luoyang, once the start of the Silk Road, is known as The Cradle of Chinese Buddhism.

As Buddhism became more popular, worshipers began to constructmoreBuddhist templesites such as theBingling Thousand Buddha Caves(炳灵寺) and theMogao Grottoesalong the Silk Road;featuring an array of Buddhist statues and frescoes dating from around 420 AD to theMing Dynasty

The earliest statues show typical Indian hand gestures and poses, however theBezeklik GrottoesnearTurpan, built after the Bingling Thousand Buddha Caves, featureCaucasian, Indian, and Mongoloid Buddhists together。Central Asians continued to spread Buddhist teachings throughout theTang Dynasty(618-907 AD), during which Buddhismbecame very popular and powerfulright until the end; when Taoist rulers turned against Buddhists and destroyed thousands of monasteries along with tens of thousands of temples.

Tea Horse Road Buddhism

Dali Three PagodasThe Three Pagodas in Dali on the Tea Horse Road.

Apart from the Silk Road, the Tea Horse Road was another major land trade route running through Yunnan,Sichuan,andTibet;linking southeastern China with Southeast Asia. Throughout the Tang Dynasty’s rule, the Nanzhao Empire flourished in present day Yunnan, with their capital being the city ofDali

The Nanzhao were Buddhist and constructed largeBuddhist templesaround Dali and onShibaoshan Mountainto serve as centers for Buddhist teaching. Their rulers were heavily influenced by the religious teachings of traveling foreigners and incorporated such into the regional religion, further expanding it. While theTang Dynasty turned against Buddhism, the Nanzhao and Dali Kingdom supported it。They preserved Buddhism and helped it spread, with the world famousThree Pagodasbuilt under their rule, serving as testament to their support.

Tibetan Buddhism

Jokhang TempleJokhang Temple, the spiritual center of Tibet

Tibetan Buddhism is aptly named after the region ofTibetin Southeast China. Buddhism isbelieved to have arrived in Tibet from Central Asiabetween the 7thand 9thcenturies AD and is derived from Indian Buddhism, combining Mahayana Buddhism with theTantric teachingsof Vajrayana Buddhism, along withshamanic elementsof the native Bon religion.

Tibetan Buddhism suffered during Tibet’s Era of Fragmentation in the 9thcentury AD, but re-emerged stronger than ever during the revival of Buddhism in the 11thcentury AD. Throughout history, Tibetan Buddhism and its teachings have slowlyspread and gained popularity outside the region

NowadaysTibetan佛教is Bhutan’s state religionand is practiced in places like Northern Nepal, Northeastern China, and certain regions in India. Emigrating Tibetans have also spreadTibetan Buddhismto the West and throughout the world, where people like theDalai Lamahave become popular public figures traveling the world, spreading their teachings and educating the world aboutTibetan culture

The Top Buddhist Sites in China

Throughout the years Chinese Buddhists have built a multitude ofBuddhist Religious Sitesacross the country, showcasing the rich influence Buddhism has had onChinese culture

The Mogao Grottoes

佛教in China, the Mogao GrottoesThe Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, Gansu province

Made up of over 700 caves, work in the Caves of the Thousand Buddhas spanned over a period of 1,000 years.The Mogao Grottoesare regarded as the largest Buddhist grottoes in the world and are a popular stop on our11 Day Silk Road Private Tour

Tibetan Buddhism Sites

Monks DebateMonks at Sera Monastery

Barkhor Temple and the large monasteries of Tibet stand as a testamentto the people of Tibet and their religious beliefs. Tibet'spopular attractionsand pilgrimage sites have thousands of daily visitors.Sacred mountains and lakes in Tibetcan also be considered popular Tibetan Buddhism sites

Watching monks debate scriptures atSera Monasteryis a highlight considerednot-to-be-missedby many travelers.

The Three Pagodas

佛教in China, The Three Pagodas in Dali The Three Pagodasin Dali, Yunnan province

The Three Pagodas are a symbol of Yunnan culture and ancient history, with the tallest having been built over 1000 years ago. Located a mere 1.5 kilometers Northwest of Dali, a visit to the Three Pagodas is a must whenvisiting Yunnan

The Yungang Grottoes

The Yungang Grottoes' sculpturesSculptures in the Yungang Grottoes.

Located in Datong, Shanxi Province,the Yungang Grottoesare made up of 1,100 niches spread throughout a system of 252 caves spanning 1 kilometer and became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2001.

Featuring over 51,000 Buddhist statues, the Yungang Grottoes host one of the largest collections of classic Buddhist art masterpieces in China and is one of the highlights of ourEssence of Datong and Pingyao Tour

The Leshan Giant Buddha

Leshan Giant BuddhaThe Leshan Giant Buddha

Carved into the side ofMount LingyuninLeshan, Sichuan Province, this 71-meter high and 24-meter wide carved stone Buddha took 90 years to construct. Since its completion in 803 AD,the Leshan Giant Buddhaholds the title as the world’s largest carved stoned Buddha and was added to UNESCO’s World Heritage Site list in 1996.

Yearning to Learn More About Buddhism in China?

The Mogao GrottosBuddhist statues in the Mogao Grottoes

If you’re eager tolearn more about Chinese Buddhism, get in touch with our local experts and they’ll help you createa personalized trip of China’s top Buddhist sites。Our knowledgeable travel advisers and local tour guides will be sure to blend some of thetop Chinese Buddhist highlightsinto your tailor-made itinerary.

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