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Tiger Leaping Gorge Hiking

Tiger Leaping Gorge Hiking

Written byRitaUpdated Sep. 26, 2023

Tiger Leaping Gorge is consideredone of China's best hiking areasfor its perfectadventurousandoff-the-beatenroutes, shiningNaxi culture, andsheer gorge scenery. It is on the way from Lijiang (2 hours' driving) to Shangri-La (3 hours' driving) in Southwest China's Yunnan Province.

Winding around 22 km (14 miles) in total,Tiger Leaping Gorgeprovides various hiking routes, including something to meet your hiking level. Trekking for ahalf day,one day, ortwo daysis available based on your preference.

Tiger Leaping Gorge hiking is suitable for most of the year, except during therainy season from June to September, when landslides may occur.

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Hiking Difficulty

Narrow Trail next to Cliff in Tiger Leaping Gorge Narrow Trail next to Cliff in Tiger Leaping Gorge

The Gorge consists of three parts: theUpper Gorge,Middle Gorge, andLower Gorge. The first two are popular for hiking.The Upper Gorge(mainly from Qiaotou to Tina's) iseasierthan the Middle Gorge.

Tiger Leaping Gorge hike is generallysuitable forenergetic and adventurous hikers and people with a good level of fitness.The longer/steeper hikesare not recommended for kids less than 10 years old or those without hiking experience.

Hiking along Tiger Leaping Gorge不是很剧烈except for the initial climb along a series of switchbacks calledthe 28 Bends. This track starts winding steeply upward. So, for about an hour, you would really be using your hamstrings and calf muscles.

Theinns and hotels一路长途跋涉舒适。You can hike at your pace and fully take advantage of the accommodation. However, it is strenuous if you attempt to do the whole thing too quickly.

Trails are well-marked and easy to follow.But the path gets very narrow in some places, you have towalk carefullynext to a cliff face. The path isn't really dangerous, except in the rainy season (June to September). Rain makes the rocks slippery and the path muddy. Walking over a fresh rockslide might be tricky.

Themedical facilitiesin the immediate area are poor. Even in Lijiang, the hospital staff may not speak English. Foreigners may have a difficult time getting medical treatment. Therefore, a local English-speaking guide is helpful to suggest the best route, to enhance an unforgettable experience and, most importantly, to stand by for emergencies.

Recommended Hiking Routes

Tiger Leaping Gorge Hiking Map Tiger Leaping Gorge Hiking Map

Tiger Leaping Gorge has all the features of the best hikes: adventurous routes, fantastic views, flora and fauna, appealing geological features like waterfalls, and isolation.

Though it is one of China's popular trails, it isnot crowded. Mainly foreigners take the high path above the river. Few Chinese tourists hike it, so it isn't a crowded tourist pathway. According to what some people say, you may pass about one group of hikers each hour.

The most popular2-day trekis fromQiaotou to Tina's Guesthouse. It's called the High Trail Hike. It winds around 22 km (14 miles) at half way up Haba Snow Mountain, usually taking 1½ days. When hiking, you will encounter Naxi people grazing their goats, climb up the strenuous 28 bends, and have majestic gorge views from the rooftop terrace of Halfway Guesthouse.

If you prefer a shortertrek of 1 day, the route from14-Km Point to Tina's Guesthouse在中途停留宾馆推荐ed. It is a shortened version of the High Trail. Unlike other villages along the High Trail with poor roads, the 14-Km Point (at the foot of the Haba Snow Mountain) can be accessed by driving via well-paved roads. You can still enjoy the essential highlights, like snow mountains, waterfalls, and the panorama of the Gorge, in a limited time.

Ahalf-day hikefrom Tina's Guesthouse tothe Middle Gorgeunveils the beauty of the Gorge from the bottom with a quick, steep climb. Middle Gorge trails along the roaring Jinsha River offer unbeaten views of the sheer gorge. Climbing the steep Sky Ladder is a true adventure.

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The 2-Day "High Trail" Hike

This hike is based on the very popular but most challenging route. The most challenging part is the 28 Bends. You have to zigzag your way up for 500+ meters (1,650+ feet) of elevation along the twisting, steep bends. You might feel out of breath when ascending. After that, most of the rest isrelatively levelordescending with few climbs, and you will be rewarded with heavenly scenery.

In peak season (October), local folks might offera horse ride to the top of 28 bends.

If you want tostop your hike part waythrough, you just need to hike to the closest village and find a local truck back to the town. Due to the language barrier, you may want tocontact usfor an English-speaking guide to assist you.

Riding a horse to ascend to the top of 28 Bends Riding a horse to ascend to the top of 28 Bends

Day 1: Naxi Family Guesthouse to Tea Horse Guesthouse to Halfway Guesthouse

  • Total distance: 10 km (6 miles)
  • Total time: approximately five hours
  • Elevation gain: 1,906 m (6,253 ft)
  • Elevation loss: 1,406m (4,613 ft)
  • Overnight stay: Halfway Guesthouse
Drinking Beer at the Rooftop of Halfway's Guesthouse Drinking Beer at the Rooftop of Halfway's Guesthouse

Most people start from Qiaotou, then hike to Naxi Family Guesthouse in 2 hours. According to the latest feedback in 2022, the road from Qiaotou to Naxi Guesthouse is under construction with mud and dust. So, you might want toskip this hikeand start from Naxi Family Guesthouse for a better experience.

FromNaxi Family Guesthouse, hike 3 hours up the steep switchback called28-bendsbefore lunch. Enjoy the triumph of conquering the 28 Bends and enchanting views over the rugged Tiger Leaping Gorge.

After lunch,hike for another one or two hours to arrive at Halfway Guesthouse, which has a great view of Yulong Snow Mountain and overlooks the Jinsha (‘Golden Sands') River Valley. You can sit out on a deck facing the mountain, and there are hot showers and clean beds.

Contact usin advance to booka room with a terrace or sightseeing window. After a long hike, the perfect conclusion to the day for many is sitting on the balcony of your room, having a bottle of cold beer and immersing yourself in the glorious sunset view.

Where to Eat: Tea Horse Guesthouse for lunch, Halfway Guesthouse for dinner

Where to Stay:The owners of recommended guesthouses can speak basic English and offer good service. You can select other family-run guesthouses or restaurants if language is not a problem for you.Book in advance: there are few private rooms.

Tea Horse Guesthouse

  • A popular first-day stay for beginner hikers with basic facilities only
  • From US$7 per bed for dorms, from USD25 per private room

Tea Horse Guesthouse is an ideal place forbeginner hikersafter the strenuous 28 bends if you don't want hikethe extra 2 hours to Halfway. You can have an awe-inspiring view of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain from its room and rooftop terrace.

Tiger Leaping Gorge Yachajiao Manor

  • Thehigh-end alternativeto Tea Horse Guesthouse
  • From US$150 per private room

A few steps from Tea Horse Guesthouse, Yachajiao Manor is aboutique hotelwith better facilities. Constructed from stone and wood, every room offers fantasticviews of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Nothing could be better than appreciating the enchanting starry sky or breathtaking sunrise from your room. A hot tub is set on the terrace of each room. Just enjoy yourself in a bubble bath while gazing at the amazing landscape. Its swimming pool is another highlight in summer. You will have a chance to join in the Naxi minority dance every night.

Halfway Guesthouse

  • The first-day destination for most hikers, basic facilities only
  • From US$6 per bed for dorms, from US$24 per private room

After hiking for an extra 2 hours from Tea Horse Guesthouse, you can enjoy amore relaxing pace on the next day. This may be especially important for you to catch the return bus at 3:30 PM.

As a popular destination for the first-day hike, Halfway refreshes visitors with its specialbest bathroom viewandpanoramic viewsfrom the rooftop terrace. Find a seat on the viewing deck, order a drink, chat with others, and see the glaciated peaks turning orange in the sunset or sunrise.

Day 2: Hike from Halfway Guesthouse to Tina's Guesthouse

  • Total distance: 5 km (3 miles)
  • Hiking time: 2 hours
  • Elevation gain: 514 m (1,686 ft)
  • Elevation loss: 789 m (2,589 ft)
Passing Through the Pretty Waterfall in Tiger Leaping Gorge Passing Through the Pretty Waterfall in Tiger Leaping Gorge

The day 2 hike is quiteeasy and mostly level-ish. You can discover the beauty of the gorge leisurely. Hike down to Tina's Guesthouse, passing through some pretty waterfalls and canyons on the way.

After lunch at Tina's, you can stay at the Middle Gorge for a rest, leave for your next destination, or continue your hike to the Middle Gorge. The 3-hour Middle Gorge hike is more strenuous and challenging. If you're scared of heights or have a knee problem, just give it a miss.

For Tiger Leaping Gorge hiking as part of a Yunnan tour that is tailored to your requirements,contact us. Or you may want to check out our3-Day Tiger Leaping Gorge and Stone Village Hiking Tour.

Where to Eat:Halfway for breakfast, Tina's for lunch

Where to Stay: Tina's Guesthouse

  • Hostel with basic facilities
  • From US$6 per bed for dorms, from US$20 per private room

This famous hostel isrecommended by the Lonely Planet Guide. They can help book you a seat on a bus back to Qiaotou or Lijiang. People usually stay there for a more relaxing hiking pace when doing the Middle Gorge Hike.

Tiger Leaping Gorge Camp Shangri-La

  • High-end boutique hotel
  • From US$607 per private room
Scenery from Tiger Leaping Gorge Camp Shangri-La Scenery from Tiger Leaping Gorge Camp Shangri-La

If you havea high demand for comfort, this hotel is perfect for you. Hidden in the cliffs near the Middle Gorge, Tiger Leaping Gorge Camp Shangri-La features comfort and fantastic views. Why not reward yourself with a refreshing stopover after a long hike? You can getcool pictures to show off从其character-filled设计。你可以enjoy 270° panoramic gorge views from your room, afternoon tea near the cliffs, and its outdoor starry bar. Book in advance as only 14 rooms are available!

The 1-Day High Trail Hike

Hiking From 14-KM Point Hiking From 14-KM Point

The two-day High Trail hike is the classic way to satisfy yourself with the magnificence of the Gorge and its challenges, but you could shorten the hike to one day. Thus, you'llskip the toughest part,but still enjoy the stunning scenery, such as waterfalls, snow-capped mountains, and a rushing river. It's also thrilling and interesting.

  • Route: 14 Km Point to Halfway Guesthouse (2 hours) to Tina's (2 hours)
  • Total distance: 8 km (5 miles)
  • Hiking time: 4 hours
  • Elevation gain: 600 m (1,968 ft)
  • Elevation loss: 789 m (2,589 ft)

Our driver could directly transfer you to the 14 Km Point. Then you would start your hike and climb up to Halfway Guesthouse. The trail from 14 Km Point to Halfway is less visited with few signs. With local knowledge and safety training, our private guide would be happy to keep you safe and stop you getting lost.

Where to Eat: When arriving at Halfway, enjoy your lunch on its rooftop terrace and admire the beautiful snow mountains. After lunch, continue your hike to Tina's.

The Half-Day Middle Gorge Hike

Standing on the Tiger Leaping Rock Standing on the Tiger Leaping Rock

For those ready to take ona bigger challenge, the Middle Gorge Hike is ideal for thrilling fun. Take cool pictures standing on Tiger Leaping Rock in the rapids, climb the vertical Sky Ladder, and follow the paths cut through the cliff.

Three trails lead to different highlights:Teacher Zhang's Trail,Sky Ladder, and theRay of Sunshine trail. They are connected, so you are free to hike one of them or move back and forth between them, or trek all of them.

The most popular routeis Teacher Zhang's Trail in and Sky Ladder out,which offers the best experience and is time-saving.

Sky Ladder in Tiger Leaping Gorge Sky Ladder in Tiger Leaping Gorge

Start from Tina's, descend along Teacher Zhang's Trail near the cliff, and reach the bottom of the Middle Gorge after an hour. The dangerous ‘Starry Sky Reef' marks the narrowest part of the gorge. You have the option to step out ontoTiger Leaping Rock via a hanging wooden suspension bridgefor CN¥10 (US$1.5).

Then follow the paths to Sky Ladder for another hour's hike. The rough Sky Ladder is very steep — only a few degrees off vertical. The vertigo-inducing view and thrill of climbingattract the adventurous. But if you are afraid of heights, you can take another trail back to Tina's.

The Middle Gorge is more challenging and requires more of a sense of balance. Most of the paths are narrow and steep, so you mightscramble using your handssometimes. Once you begin some parts, you will haveno choice but to climb onuntil the next trail intersection. Going back may be tricky.

Where to Eat: Tina's Guesthouse

Best Times to Hike in Tiger Leaping Gorge

Autumn Scenery in Tiger Leaping Gorge Autumn Scenery in Tiger Leaping Gorge

When planning a trek in Tiger Leaping Gorge, you need tobeware of the rainy season (June to September). Landslides happen frequently during this period. The rest of the year is generally safe and pleasantly hikeable, though winter can be cold.

  • Octoberis the best time for hiking with pleasant weather and colorful landscapes.
  • Spring(April to May) is the flower season with spirit-renewing scenes.
  • The dry season (November to March)is the best time to see the snow-capped mountains and clear Jinsha River. It is colder, but usually without ice or snow on the trails.

See more onYunnan weather and things to do by season>>>

How to Get to Tiger Leaping Gorge

For Tiger Leaping Gorge hiking, most people take a bus to Qiaotou Village (Hutiaoxia Town). You should then find a car to the starting point of your route. Only two return buses are available from Tina's every day: 9:30 AM and 3:30 PM.

A private transfer is suggested to give you more flexibility, more comfort, and less hassles than bus travel. You are free to enjoy hiking at your own pace with your own timings using this option, which we provide.

You might also be interested inLijiang tour planning.

Is It Safe to Hike Alone in Tiger Leaping Gorge?

Generally, it issafe to hike aloneon these trails thanks to clear signage, friendly locals, and hostels en route. However, for a worry-free experience and in-depth cultural exploration, a local guide is strongly recommended.Contact usto custom-make a trip with the most suitable hiking route for you.

You shouldstrongly consider buying travel insurancebefore departing, especially hiking and trekking travel insurance. To some degree, no outdoor activity is fully safe. We, at China Highlights, always have insurance against accidents. It is particularly helpful to cover any medical expenses and to guarantee a timely rescue and treatment.

What to Pack for Tiger Leaping Gorge Hiking

You're suggested totravel lightas you can get supplies from the many little shops along the hiking routes. Yourluggage can be storedat a hotel in Hutiaoxia Town, or in Lijiang if you're returning there, and you should just take a backpack with you. Here is a recommended packing list:

  • Sun protection:sunscreen, hat, sunglasses
  • Bringlayers of clothing, as it can get cold in the evening/early morning.
  • Awaterproof jacket, as you will pass under waterfalls, and it may rain
  • Worn-in hiking boots
  • Extra socks as your boots might get wet
  • Energy boosting snack foodsuch as chocolate, sliced dried beef, nuts etc.
  • One or two bottles of water
  • Change in small notes(CN¥300–500) for fees, tickets, snacks, etc., especially for if you don't have WeChat Pay or a phone signal.
  • Insect repellent
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