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Dragon Horoscope 2024/2023: Career, Love, and Money Predictions

Dragon Horoscope 2024/2023: Career, Love, and Money Predictions

Written byGavinUpdated Sep. 25, 2023

2023 is a year of the Rabbit. Dragons (those born ina Chinese zodiac year of the Dragon), according to Chinese astrology, your fortunes will be affected by some opposition to Tai Sui (the Age Star), but there is no need to worry too much, because you will also be taken care of by lucky stars this year, and,as long as you pay attention to certain things covered below, you can pass this year smoothly.

2024 is a year of the Dragon. Dragons (those of you born ina Chinese zodiac year of the Dragon),according to Chinese astrology and being in your birth year, you will easily be in opposition to Tai Sui (the God of Age).

You may experience some challenges related to your poor overall luck. You may face certain restrictions and difficulties due to the clash with Tai Sui's energy. However,there will also be fortunate stars that can provide protection and support for Dragons.

Dragon individuals, you can remain optimistic regarding your career prospects.Despite the overall lack of luck, there will be opportunities for growth and success in your professional life.

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Career — Dragons' 2024/2023 Horoscope

Career Predictions for 2023

After entering Year of the Rabbit in 2023,the career fortunes of you Dragon people will experience good development. With the help of lucky star Yue De, your career development will be smooth sailing.

Dragons in the workplace, you will benefit from the help of supporters, and you will get help from colleagues and bosses to speed up your work. Dragon people, you need to cherish the good luck you have in this year, and use it to form a foundation to achieve better results.

Dragon people in business, you will find a very suitable partner, who will become an indispensable supporter of your work in the future. Therefore, Dragon businesspeople, you need to cherish the positive zodiac energy around you and work hard to expand your business.

Career Predictions for 2024

Dragon individuals, as you step into 2024, your career development will look relatively positive.Although this year is your birth year and you may face some challenges due to conflicting planetary influences, there will be good news regarding luck in your career.

The presence of auspicious stars will bring you great support in your work endeavors.你可以预期这两个有影响力的人来协助you and numerous job opportunities to come your way. Moreover, your flexible mindset will contribute to your prosperous career growth.

However, your career luck during your birth year may not always be smooth. You should pay special attention to competition in the workplace and be vigilant to prevent others from taking advantage of any vulnerabilities.

Love — Dragons' 2024/2023 Forecast

Dragons' Love Compatibility Dragons' Love Compatibility

Love Predictions for 2023

After entering 2023, Dragon people,your love lives will progress relatively flatly, and the invasion of the "lonely" malefic star is extremely unfavorable for Single Dragons.

Single Dragons, you will encounter many setbacks in the process of interacting with the opposite sex, and you will easily feel disheartened about the prospects of marriage. Under the influence of the 'Lone Star', you will be in the inexorable current single life, and you will not find it easy take getting married and starting a family to heart.

Therefore, in 2023, it is very difficult for you Dragons to escape singleness, unless you have prepared for married life well and overcome the influence of the malefic star Gu Chen.

Dragons who have a romantic partner, your relationship will be relatively flat this year, especially between husbands and wives, and there will often be quarrels over small things in life.

Dragon people,you will prefer to live in your past lives and memories, and you will be colder towards your partners. It is recommended that you find your own ways to overcome the troubles caused by malefic stars. In daily life, it will be necessary to consider problems from the perspective of your partner, and to communicate and interact more, which can especially enhance positive feelings between husband and wife.

Love Predictions for 2024

Your romantic prospects in 2024, Dragons, are not predicted to go smoothly.Due to the influence of malicious stars during your zodiac year, both single and married Dragon individuals, you may experience some setbacks in your love life.

Single Dragons,there may be challenges in finding love or overcoming obstacles that affect your self-confidence and emotional growth.

As for those of you who are married, you may be more susceptible to negative influences, leading to potential infidelity or conflicts arising from misunderstandings or differences of opinion with your partner. This could make you feel passive in your relationship and even face the risk of separation or relationship breakdown.It will be advisable for you as a married couple to enhance your communication and strengthen your bond during this time.

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Wealth — Dragons' 2024/2023 Predictions

Wealth Predictions for 2023

After entering 2023,Dragon people, your zodiac-ordained financial path will develop in a good direction, especially in the area of earnings, which will be significantly improved. Due to the help of benefactors in the area of your career, your work will progress smoothly, your work efficiency will be improved, and your business prospects will be significantly enhanced.In the long run, you will be appreciated by your leaders and you'll have the opportunity for a promotion and salary increase.

In 2023,Dragon people need to maintain your good fortune with hard work on a daily basis, so that your zodiac alignments can be significantly utilized.

In 2023,you people born in a year of the Dragon will have slightly poorer luck with investments, so try to avoid high-risk speculation, otherwise you will be prone to the risk of bigger losses.

Wealth Predictions for 2024

As you enter 2024, the overall financial prospects for you, Dragons, will appear to be a mix of good and bad.Due to the influence of your birth year and the weakening of inauspicious stars, you may face some challenges in financial areas. There will be a likelihood of encountering unexpected expenses and experiencing financial losses.

However, there will also be auspicious stars that will provide support in the professional sphere.将会有一个加薪的可能性d promotions for you, Dragons. To capitalize on these opportunities, it will be important for you, Dragon individuals, to remain diligent and dedicated in your work. By staying focused and committed, there will be a chance to accumulate personal wealth during this zodiac year.

Health — Dragons' 2023 Predictions

Health Predictions for 2023

In 2023,the health prognosis for you Dragon people is relatively flat and your health will generally be on the poor side. Rest and exercise well every day, and develop regular eating and rest habits.

Since you Dragons will be very busy in 2023, you will often be so busy with work that you find it difficult to rest. You should try to take time to rest as much as possible, otherwise you will speed up the deterioration of your body, which will lead to potential serious diseases.

In addition, due to the influence of the malevolent star 'Sheep's Blade' in 2023,there may be bloodshed in this year. It is recommended that you avoid sharp objects in your life, and reduce visits to construction sites and other dangerous locations to avoid accidents.

Children born in a Dragon year (i.e., 2012's 11-year-olds),you need to pay more attention to your own safety, and try to stay away from areas with water, otherwise drowning accidents are likely to occur.

Health Predictions for 2024

Dragons, you should exercise caution and be vigilant in various aspects of your life. Safety should be your particular focus, to maintain a heightened sense of precaution.Additionally, it will be essential not to neglect personal health matters. Especially for older Dragon people, taking good care of yourself during your zodiac year will be even more crucial.

It will be recommended to follow a balanced routine, prioritize a healthy diet, and pay attention to your overall well-being through proper self-care and exercise.Scheduling regular medical check-ups will also be advisable as this will provide a comprehensive understanding of your physical health. This holistic approach can be effective in preventing illnesses to a certain extent.

Dragon People's Monthly Predictions for 2023

In 2023,the health prognosis for you Dragon people is relatively flat and your health will generally be on the poor side. Rest and exercise well every day, and develop regular eating and rest habits.

Since you Dragons will be very busy in 2023, you will often be so busy with work that you find it difficult to rest. You should try to take time to rest as much as possible, otherwise you will speed up the deterioration of your body, which will lead to potential serious diseases.

In addition, due to the influence of the malevolent star 'Sheep's Blade' in 2023,there may be bloodshed in this year. It is recommended that you avoid sharp objects in your life, and reduce visits to construction sites and other dangerous locations to avoid accidents.

Children born in a Dragon year (i.e., 2012's 11-year-olds),you need to pay more attention to your own safety, and try to stay away from areas with water, otherwise drowning accidents are likely to occur.

Year-of-the-Dragon People's 2024/2023 Monthly Horoscope

In popular Chinese astrology, a Chinese zodiac sign's horoscope and monthly predictions are dated according tothe Chinese lunar calendar. As such,Dragons, your 2023 horoscope starts from January 22nd, 2023 (Chinese New Year) and ends on February 9th, 2024 (Chinese New Year's Eve).Your 2024 horoscope starts on February 10th, 2024 (Chinese New Year) and ends on January 28th, 2025 (Chinese New Year's Eve).

Your horoscope below covers months 1–12 of the Chinese lunar calendar for 2023, and Gregorian calendar dates have been given for reference.

Dragons' Month 1 Horoscope (Jan. 22 – Feb. 19, 2023)

Dragon people, your horoscope in the first lunar month of 2023 is a relatively smooth one.As the New Year holiday ends, you Dragons should have saved up enough energy to continue your careers steadily and with confidence.

Working-class Dragons, you are likely to see significant improvements this month, be appreciated by your bosses, and get opportunities in your career and a professional assignment.

Dragon people who work hard in the business field, you should share your work with your partners and develop towards your goals together.

Dragons' Month 2 Horoscope (Feb. 20 – Mar. 21, 2023)

龙人,你有very good luck this month, especially those of you who work hard in a business, you will receive a huge number of orders in this month, and you can expand your work team and your business's scale. There is no need to worry too much about capital, as you will reap a larger profit during this period. However, if you want to expand your business, you need to make reasonable plans and prepare in advance.

In 2023, an extra lunar month 2 (Mar. 22 – Apr. 19) occurs after the standard month 2 in the Chinese calendar. For Chinese astrology purposes, this makes month 2 twice as long, which is a very good thing for Dragons in 2023, as month 2's fortuitous predictions go on for an extra 29 days!

Dragons' Month 3 Horoscope (Apr. 20 – May 18, 2023)

Dragon people, your projected journey of luck will be bumpy this month 3.Especially Dragon office workers, you will feel troubled and helpless about your job prospects this month. As you will be very confused, you will be prone to ideas of changing jobs or changing industries. It is recommended that you Dragon people think carefully about what you do. If it is really difficult to make a choice, you should communicate more with your elders and ask for advice from others.

In addition, when you do things this month 3, Dragon people, you need to maintain single-mindedness, and do not shrink back when encountering difficulties. Choose rationally, and strive hard.

Dragons' Month 4 Horoscope (May 19 – Jun. 17, 2023)

The overall zodiac-defined journey of you Dragon people will tend to be steady and uneventful this month 4, especially in terms of career fortune. Dragons, you should be conscientious in your company work and study modestly. In addition,Dragon people, you should learn to be kind to others this month, so that you can be promoted by those higher up at work and your performance will be significantly improved.

Dragons' Month 5 Horoscope (Jun. 18 – Jul. 17, 2023)

In this month 5,Dragon people, your fortunes will enter a short downturn. In terms of romantic life, it will be very bumpy.Single Dragon people, you will not find be able to find a good relationship during this period, and you should instead work harder to improve yourselves. You could plan more blind dates, get to know friends of the opposite sex around you better. These things will help get rid of your singleness as soon as possible, if that's what you want to do.

Dragons' Month 6 Horoscope (Jul. 18 – Aug. 15, 2023)

Dragons,you outlook is relatively stable in month 6. Whether in career, wealth, or health, you can proceed in an orderly manner. However, it should be noted that you Dragon people are prone to the risk of bankruptcy (financial loss) this month, so you need to be more careful. Especially in terms of speculation, you need to be more careful, and don't let others induce you to make financial investments, which may lead to the risk of bankruptcy.

Dragons' Month 7 Horoscope (Aug. 16 – Sep. 14, 2023)

This month 7,your overall career fortune will decline, Dragon people. Your mood will become extremely impetuous, your work efficiency will be significantly lower, and it will be difficult for you to make choices in dealing with problems. In this case, it is recommended that you Dragons relax your minds and engage in more consideration, which will help you make the right choices.

Dragons' Month 8 Horoscope (Sep. 15 – Oct. 14, 2023)

Dragon people,your overall fortune will fluctuate greatly this month, and you will be prone to the risk of bankruptcy (large monetary losses), so be careful. Pay attention to the safety of your money. If you encounter someone who is unfamiliar asking to borrow money, you need to think circumspectly about lending.

In addition,Dragons, you need to be more cautious when trying to invest your money, so as not to fall for the cash incentives of pyramid schemes and scams because of temporary gains, as the end result will be money coming in but going out again to the scammers.

Dragons' Month 9 Horoscope (Oct. 15 – Nov. 12, 2023)

Dragon people,your fortunes for this month 9 will continue in the fluctuations of month 8. You will readily be targeted by villains in your careers, and your hard work may be usurped by others, stealing the fruits of your labor.

To guard against future losses,you should pay more attention to avoiding such situations again, reasonably protecting your endeavors by encrypting computer files and preventing the fruits of your labor from falling into others' hands. And during this month, Dragons, you also need to be kind to others, and do not easily quarrel, otherwise you will be easily be set upon by enemies.

Dragons' Month 10 Horoscope (Nov. 13 – Dec. 12, 2023)

Dragon people,your health is predicted to deteriorate this month. You will be prone to minor illnesses or pains. Mainly to avoid mental health problems, it is suggested that you Dragons avoid focusing on trivial matters during this period, and focus more on the beautiful things you hope for in the future. Maintain a good mood, and after your mood improves, your body should gradually improve too, thereby improving your health fortune.

Dragons' Month 11 Horoscope (Dec. 13, 2023 – Jan. 10, 2024)

Dragon people,you are forecast average fortunes in this month 11. During this period, you need to be conscientious in dealing with your career and life in order to achieve success.

Dragon people,in general you have poor wealth luck during this month 11. If you want to make a financial investment, you need to be particularly selective, otherwise your investment will merely fluctuate back and forth.

In terms of health,Dragon people, you need to pay more attention to your body this month: rest well and take good care of your body.

Dragons' Month 12 Horoscope (Jan. 11 – Feb. 9, 2024)

Month 12,the last month of Chinese lunar year 2023, is a time in which the fortune of you Dragon people is not bad. At work, you will be supported by your boss or leaders, and your luck/performance will be significantly improved.

In terms of health,you Dragons will have excellent prospects this month, so there is no need to worry too much, and you can look forward to a good Spring Festival in stable health.

Dragons' Month 1 Horoscope (Feb. 10 – Mar. 9, 2024)

Dragon individuals, as you enter the first lunar month of your 2024 zodiac year, your overall fortune will appear to be relatively calm.At the beginning of the Dragon year, the changes in your fortune may not be significantly noticeable. Therefore, you can expect a relatively steady and uneventful period in the near future.

It will be advisable to use this time to focus on life planning and set clear goals for the time ahead.You should take time to make adjustments in your personal life to align better with your values.

Dragons' Month 2 Horoscope (Mar. 10 – Apr. 8, 2024)

Dragons, during the second lunar month, it will be highly advisable for you to pay extra attention to your physical well-being.The fluctuating weather can have an impact on your health, making it easier for you to experience physical discomfort, especially for those of you who are older, such as individuals born in Dragon years 1952 or 1964.

It will be crucial for you to take good care of your health by regularly visiting the doctor for check-ups.This will allow you to have a better understanding of your personal health situation. Additionally, it will be important for you to engage in regular exercise in your daily life. By doing so, you can avoid diseases interfering with your health.

Dragons' Month 3 Horoscope (Apr. 9 – May 7, 2024)

Dragons, you will experience favorable interpersonal relationships in the third lunar month.Thanks to auspicious luck, your social connections will greatly improve. You will find that you're adept at handling various issues pertaining to interpersonal relationships. Moreover, relationships with family, friends, and even business partners will also become closer.

In terms of work,Dragon people, you will receive significant recognition from your superiors. You may even have opportunities to travel and explore new places for learning and research purposes. These experiences will provide valuable opportunities to enhance your skills in various areas.

Dragons' Month 4 Horoscope (May 8 – Jun. 5, 2024)

Your love life and financial prospects will show signs of improvement in the fourth lunar month, Dragons, particularly in terms of additional income.Toward the end of the month, you can expect unprecedented prosperity, especially in money matters.

Whether single or already in a committed relationship, your romantic prospects, in Chinese astrology, will be exceptionally favorable during this month.You will frequently capture the attention of potential romantic interests in the opposite sex.

Single Dragons,there will be a strong possibility of finding a romantic partner. However, f或龙或结婚committed relationship,这将是重要的保持适用e distance from anyone you'll be potentially attracted to and remain faithful to your current partner.

In terms of finances, you will be greatly favored by the God of Wealth. Your business endeavors will yield abundant returns. You can expect fruitful rewards in your financial ventures and enjoy a bountiful harvest in your endeavors.

Dragons' Month 5 Horoscope (Jun. 6 – Jul. 5, 2024)

In the fifth lunar month, Dragon people, you will experience some fluctuations in your temperament.You might become easily irritated and prone to outbursts of anger. Consequently, your personal luck may become unstable. It will be important for you to be mindful of managing your emotions and temper this month. Practicing tolerance and kindness will help to ensure the stable development of your luck.

In terms of health,Dragons, you should pay attention to avoiding accidents and injuries, as you may be more prone to bumps, knocks, or scratches.

Dragons' Month 6 Horoscope (Jul. 6 – Aug. 3, 2024)

Dragons, Chinese astrology predicts that you may experience some fluctuations in your emotions in the sixth lunar month but, overall, they will be considered acceptable.However, the outlook for your health will not be optimistic.

For those of you who have been secretly in love for a long time,it will be advisable for you choose an appropriate place and time to confess your feelings to the other person. The success rate of love confessions for you, Dragons, will be expected to be extremely high.

Dragons' Month 7 Horoscope (Aug. 4 – Sep. 2, 2024)

Dragons, astrologers predict that you should pay particular attention to your emotional well-being in the seventh lunar month.

Regarding your professional life, you will successfully accomplish every task without encountering any major obstacles. It will be advisable to maintain a modest and reserved approach in the workplace, avoiding any kind of excessive self-promotion or attracting unnecessary conflicts.

Dragons' Month 8 Horoscope (Sep. 3 – Oct. 2, 2024)

Chinese astrological readings for Dragons say that you may experience fluctuations in your overall luck and uncertainty in your romantic life during the eighth lunar month.There will be a noticeable downward trend.

It will be crucial for you to prioritize your personal safety. You should stay vigilant and cautious to prevent any harm to yourself.

Dragons' Month 9 Horoscope (Oct. 3 – Oct. 31, 2024)

Your financial prospects for the ninth lunar month, Dragons, will look quite promising!的支持和祝福吉祥的星星, you will likely encounter some surprises in terms of wealth. This could include profitable investments, salary increases, promotions, or even winning prizes. As a result, your economic situation will experience a significant leap forward.

However, it will be important to note that this situation will come with both advantages and disadvantages.On the bright side, strong financial luck will undoubtedly improve your economic condition. On the flip side, however, it will be crucial to remain cautious. When money comes too easily, there will be a risk of becoming less appreciative and losing control over your spending habits. This could ultimately result in the loss of your newfound financial luck.

Dragons' Month 10 Horoscope (Nov. 1 – Nov. 30, 2024)

In the 10th lunar month, Dragon individuals, you may face some challenges in your career and communication. Both aspects may not be going as well as desired.

At work, Dragons, you may become aware of your own limitations and feel unsure about how to improve your skills. Additionally, regarding interpersonal communication, you may struggle to find the right balance and unintentionally hurt others.

Dragons' Month 11 Horoscope (Dec. 1 – Dec. 30, 2024)

Dragon individuals,the Chinese astrological forecast for the 11th lunar month suggests that you may experience average progress in various aspects of your life.

Recent events may have left you feeling low on motivation and energy, resulting in lackluster performances. Therefore,it will be advisable for you to lift your spirits and set clear goals and plans in your daily life.It will be important to push yourself and avoid being too relaxed or lazy. You should stay focused and determined!

Dragons' Month 12 Horoscope (Dec. 31, 2024 – Jan. 28, 2025)

Dragons, in the last lunar month of Year of the Dragon 2024, your fortune will have its ups and downs.

As the year comes to a close, it will be natural to become busier. You will need to deal with various tasks and work matters, both big and small. However, the good news is that your abilities will shine, so there won't be any need to worry excessively.

It will be worth mentioning that your significant workload toward the end of the year may be a burden and put you under pressure. Therefore, it will be important to take care of your well-being and ensure that you have enough rest, avoiding excessive stress and exhaustion. You should remember to find balance and take it easy.


Check Other Chinese Zodiac Signs' Horoscope 2023

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