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The Top 12 Silk Facts for China Travelers

The Top 12 Silk Facts for China Travelers

Written byFercility JiangUpdated Aug. 24, 2023
Silk Road

Silk is more than just a fabric in China: it is theirhistory,theirculture, fashionand a symbol of prosperity. Not only is China the world's largest producer of silk, but also silk has a huge influence on its tourism, with many silk attractions, including the Silk Road, qipaos, and Hangzhou Silk Museum. Here are 12 fascinating facts about silk and its culture in China.

1. Silk spawned the longest ancient trade routes - the Silk Road.

The Silk Road had its beginnings around 130 BC when theHan Governmentdispatched General Zhang Qian as an envoy to build good relationships with small nomadic states west of China.

Then Chinese transported silk, tea, and other products along the Silk Road route, to exchange them for horses with small kingdoms in the west of China.

Silk trade was confined to China untilthe Silk Roadbecame the world's longest ancient overland trade route, in the latter half of the first century BC. The Silk Road actually refers to a number of ancient trade routes linking China and Central Asia, and Europe.

The Silk Road grew in influence because of thepopularity of silkas one of the main products ferried through it. For instance, Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians preferred the luxuriousness of Chinese silk.

Marco Polotraveled the ancient road to bring tales and products of China back to Europe.

Read more on thehistory of the Silk Road.

2. China is the world's largest silk producer.

China produces 150,000 metric tons of silk annually, making itworld's largest silk producer, with 78% of the world's silk.

For thousands of years, China held amonopoly over the distribution of silkand held onto the practice for centuries. Up until the beginnings of theTang Dynasty, no other nation in the world knew how to make silk and relied on China for silk.

3. Silk has profoundly influenced Chinese fashion.

QipaosQipaos (/chee-pows/) are one-piece Chinese dresses.

Silk has long been the epicenter of fashion in China, withShanghaibeing the silk fashion capital, although it is also used in other cities.

Silk is used to produceqipaos, which became popular inShanghai in the interwar period, and are still popular as evening wear or party attire in China.

Young designers like Uma Wang and Christine Lau use silk designs to offerstatements on feminism.

Thebest places to buy qipaosare in Shanghai. You can alsotailor-make a qipao in Beijingand other cities as well.

4. Silk was reputedly discovered in a cup of tea.

As narratesConfucius, Lei Zu, who was the wife of theYellow Emperor Huangdi, discovered silk in2,700 BCafter a cocoon dropped into her tea, and, as she attempted to pull it out, silk thread unraveled. Whether the account is true or not, Lei Zu is now renowned through China as the Goddess of Silkworms (Seini-Than).

China not only discovered silk long ago, but also pioneeredsilk dyeingin different colors.

During ancient times,white silkwas achieved by feeding home-grown silkworms only with leaves of white (garden) mulberry during the breeding period. To getyellow silk, the silkworms were fed with Je tree (wild mulberry growing in mountains) leaves during the first half of their life, and garden mulberry leaves in the second.

Ancient Chinese also used to dye fabrics usingnatural dye sourcessuch as red dye from madder root, yellow from Jinzi fruits, dark red from ochre, and white from mineral dye.

5. Silk is still made the same way it always has been.

Silk FactoryA silk factory in China

Sericulture is the raising of silkworms and unwinding of their cocoons. After over three thousand years, Chinese silk is still manufactured from intensive silkworm care. However, the process has now been mechanized.

The level of care determines the quality of silk. The eggs aresoaked in chemicals to hasten hatching, then the worms are fed with mulberry leaves regularly.

The worms are kept in rooms at a temperature between 24–27°C (75–80°F) and the room is lighted around the clock. The rooms must also be kept clean and the worms are kept free from drafts, smoke, odors, and noise.

During their three to eight day pupating period, the silkworm secretes filament meant to be a part of its cocoon thatstretches one kilometer in length. This is then combined with modern chemical processes used to strengthen the silk. Unfortunately, silkworms are killed in this process, more than ten billion of them each year.

6. Silk was a status symbol in ancient China.

Imperial era Chinese clothing

Silk was a symbol ofwealth and powerin ancient China, because only the rich and those in authority were allowed to wear silk garments, while poor people were prevented from wearing it.

Then poor people wore clothes of hemp or ramie, which are nettle-like plants. But, eventually, ordinary people started wearing silk.

Silk was used to weave ceremonial garments and gifts to foreign dignitaries.

Silk was so valued in ancient China that anyone found smuggling silkworm eggs, cocoons, or mulberry seeds was put to death.

7. Ancient silk items have been unearthed in archeological sites.

Half a silkworm cocoon was unearthed in 1927 from the loess soil astride theYellow Riverin Shanxi Provinceand is said to date back to between2600 and 2300 BC.

Ribbons, threads and woven fragments, dating about 3000 BC were also unearthed atQianshanyangin Zhejiang Province.

A small ivory cup carved with a silkworm design, thought to date between 6000 and 7000, was recently unearthed along the lowerYangtze Riveralongside spinning tools, silk thread, and fabric fragments.

8. Zhejiang Province is "King of Silk".

Hangzhou silk

Zhejiang Province is termed"King of Silk"because it producesa thirdof China's raw silk, brocade, and satin. The city ofSuzhou, located near Zhejiang in theJiangsuProvince, captured Marco Polo's attention as early as 1276 due to their fame in silk production.

Marco Polo wrote: "They have vast quantities of raw silk, and manufacture it, not only for their own consumption, all of them being clothed indresses of silk, but also for other markets."

Other regions that act as major producers of silk are Jiangsu, andSichuanprovinces and cities of Suzhou,Hangzhou,Nanjing, andShaoxing.

9. Silk has generated many China tourist sights.

Mogao Grottoes

Tens of million of visitors travel to China every year with an appetite for silk or itsculture and history. Many tour the Silk Road.

Around 1015, for fear of invasion by Tibetans, Tangut Buddhist monks were said to have hidden away ten thousandmanuscripts and silk paintings, silk banners, and textilesinto a room at theCaves of the Thousand Buddhasnear Dunhuang, a station on the Silk Road in northwest Gansu.

Another popular silk-related destination is theHangzhou Silk Museum,the largest of its kind in the world, which showcases the origin, evolution and techniques of silk production, and has sections devoted to the Silk Road and its importance in China commerce.

SuzhouandHangzhou, just west of Shanghai, are renowned for their silk trade and attract many travelers simply for their silk markets.Shanghaialso has one the largest and most diverse silk markets anywhere in China.

10. Silk had many applications beyond clothing.

Apart from making clothes, silk was applied in medicine, as a currency, or medium of exchange, and it was used to make thefirst type of luxury paperin China.

Chinese doctors have appliedsilk prosthesesin the treatment of diseased arteries. In 1950, Dr. Feng Youxian, having read about grafts in vascular surgery in the United States and for lack of synthetics, applied silk in his first surgery. The material for his first operation was clipped from his shirt and sewn into a tube by his wife.

Silk as Currency

Although ancient China had copper coins as a medium of exchange, silk naturally remained the medium of exchange in Central Asia for centuries because it was the most popular commodity along the Silk Road route.

According to Kharosthi documents that date to late third or early fourth century AD,silk fabric and garmentswere used in Central Asia to pay for transactions.

Chinese documents originating from Turpan also show thatbolts of silk were used as money. Silk was so dominant that coins were valued in terms of bolts of silk.

For instance, the price of a woman was forty one bolts of silk. Monks who broke Buddhist monastery rules were charged fines in terms of bolts of silk. A female slave was worth three and a half bolts of Kucha silk in the fifth century.

11. Silk trade contributed to the adoption and spread of Buddhism in China

Xingjiao Temple

The Silk Road through the deserts of northern China became one of the两个自然陆路佛教徒, Buddhist teachers, scriptures, and monks to enter China from other Buddhist regions. Another major route was through Yunnan, and is called the Tea Horse Road or Southern Silk Road.

In 130 BC, Han rulers sent Zhang Qian to the Caucasian Yuezhi (whofirst lived in Xinjiangbut were pushed towards India in 177 BC by the Xiongnu and later became Buddhists) for trade interests.

Buddhism was being taught in China as early as 2 BC. Buddhist temple sites such as theBingling Grottoes, Mogao GrottoesandXingjiao Templewere later built. The Bingling Grottoes near Lanzhou in Gansu Province, for instance, has an array of statuary and frescoes dating from about 420 to the Ming Dynasty.

12. You can eat silk worms too!

When traveling to China, tourists may also want to try eating the silk worms too like the Chinese do.Billions of silkworms死亡过程中使丝绸wasted, but are eaten.

The leftover silkworms arepackaged, seasoned, boiled, fried, or stewedin a dish literally known as as "tasty, crispy silkworm", similar to French fries for the adventurous foodie. After the removal of silk, the shrimp-size silkworm pupae are taken to hotels and stir fried in garlic, ginger, pepper, soy sauce, and oil.

Trace and explore silk culture with China Highlights

In addition to touring attractions with links to silk history and culture, China Highlights can help you visit silk factories to see silk production and purchase silk clothing and other silk products direct from the manufacturer.

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