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The Uyghur Minority

The Uyghur Minority

Written byGavinUpdated Aug. 11, 2023
Uyghur man dancing with a vessel on his headThis Uyghur dance shows their grace and fun.

The Uyghurs (/wee-gurs/) are an ancient cosmopolitan people who emerged in Xinjiang through migration, racial intermixing, and the influence of hundreds of thousands of troops, merchants and travelers who marched through the province over millennia. Travelers in Xinjiang love their food and culture.

Where Uyghurs Live

  • Chinese:维吾尔 Wéiwú'ěr /way-woo-urr/

There are an estimated 11 to 15 million Uyghurs in China, and about 300,000 live in adjacent countries. Within China,the vast majority live inXinjiang, a large province that takes up 1/6 of the area of China. But more and more of them are moving to work and study around the rest of China or moving overseas.

The Uyghurs in Xinjiang now make up about 40 percent of the population. Millions of Han Chinese have been moving to Xinjiang in the last 30 years.

The largest Uyghur concentration is aroundKashgarwhere almost 4 million Uyghurs live. InUrumqi, there are about 270,000 of them, and Hetian is another majority Uyghur region.Turpanis an ancient Uyghur town famed for being an old Silk Road outpost and oasis.

Uyghur History

Before the Mongol Conquest of 1200 AD

Silk RoadThe Silk Road played a big part in ancient Uyghur history and has a lot to do withshaping who they are.

The Uyghur people are amixed ethnic group.There were a lot of migrations and invasions in the Kashgar and Tarim Basin areas from about 500 BC onwards because major transport pathways went through the Gansu Corridor, a long broad valley that led to theYellow River Basin, and the mountain passes around Kashgar. So they are racially partly Han Chinese,蒙古, Tocharian, and Tiele.

The Tiele were a group of tribes who lived in the region around Lake Baikal and the Yenisei River and spread their domains southwards. They were thought to be descended from the Xiongnu people. They are also called "Gaoche." Gaoche means high cart because the tribes used carts with big wheels for transportation as they moved from place to place. They were herdsmen and raised horses.

Due to theSilk Roadtrade however, the region of Xinjiang becamecosmopolitan.From theHan Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD)to theTang Dynasty (618–907)eras, traders, merchants and other travellers from around Asia passed through and sometimes settled. The various Persian, Tocharian, Indian, and Chinese influences can be seen in the artwork in the Buddhist caves such asDunhuang Mogaoand Turpan Bezeklik and artifacts that have been discovered.

The Uyghurs were originally Christian, Buddhist, and Manichean (an ancient extinct religion), but Turkic people invaded from the west and gained control about the year 1000 AD. From the year 1000 onwards, the Uyghurs slowly started to becomeIslamic

Post Mongol Conquest

About the year 1200, Ghenghis Khan assimilated the Uyghurs to be part of his rapidly growing Mongol empire. He and his descendants led Mongol armies composed of Mongols, Uyghurs and others to invade westwards and southwards. After invading, they forced survivors to adopt to their culture and populated their territories by forced migration.

In this way, he and his descendants spread acommon cultureacross their territories in Eurasia. After the big Mongol empires disintegrated, various Turkic ethnic groups arose out of the fragments in a big swath of western Asia and Central Asia. They spoke related Turkic languages.

In the Xinjiang area,维吾尔族语言发展。这是一个语言再保险lated to other Turkic languages. The Uyghur people use the Persian alphabet to write their language. Their use of the Persian alphabet effected major changes in their language starting from about the 10th century and afterwards.

In the last few hundred years, the Uyghurs made a living throughagriculture.Up until theQing Empire(1644–1912) decimated the Mongolian Dzungar kingdom in 1761, Uyghurs did not live in most of the northern half of Xinjiang. The Qing Empire settled them in the big area to farm the land, and this is how Urumqi was founded.

Now, Uyghurs are the largest producer of grapes in China. They cultivate and grow grapes in the Turpan basin. In addition, they also produce large quantities of different types of crops such as rice, corn, grain, and cotton.

Uyghur Food and Diet

NangMaking nang Flat Bread

Uyghur cuisine is noted for being tasty and inexpensive all over China where Uyghur people have opened restaurants. However, the mostauthentic Uyghur foodis in Xinjiang. They love eating lots of vegetables and fruit, and in Xinjiang, you'll find more authentic, meaty dishes such as roast mutton, roast beef, diary products, breads, pastries and fruitcakes made with a lot of nuts and fruits.

Meals:Typical authentic Xinjiang meals include a lot of meat such as mutton, beef, and chicken. Islamic rules forbid alcohol and pork. A breakfast might include melons, fruit jam, and milk tea. Nang, a Uyghur flat bread like Indian naan, is commonly eaten with meals or as a snack.

Before dinner, everyone in the family shouldwash their hands.Younger people sit with the senior members of the family. It is customary to eatall of the ricethey are served at every meal, and it might be considered insulting to leave rice uneaten. For more information about Uyghur cuisine, seeWestern China Food

Uyghur Clothing

Female Uyghur ClothingUyghur female costume

An aftereffect of being on the Silk Road is that Uyghur high fashion meanssatin and silk.Women wear silk scarves, and for those who can afford it, both men and women might wear silk slippers, especially indoors. Cotton fabrics might have silk embroidery.

Uyghur people have traditionally grown cotton, and cotton clothing is their traditional daily wear. Uyghur women typically wear one-piece dresses with bright vests and baggy sleeves. They accentuate these with silk scarves. On the other hand, men usually wear gowns paired with a long scarf around the waist.

Uyghur people never leave their home without a cap.Capsare the most important piece of clothing for Uyghur people. Women like to put designs on their caps. They often add colorful embroidery and pictures.

Uyghur womenalso love to accessorize with necklaces, earrings and bracelets. They keep their hair long. Married and single women can be distinguished by their braids. Married women only wear two braids. Single women can wear as many braids as they want.

Uyghur Customs and Traditions

Dance and Music

Uyghur DancingUyghur women dance and perfom publicly.

Most Uyghur customs and traditions stem out of Islam. However, Uyghurs are different from a lot of Muslims in that they really love dance and music and that women perform publicly. They don't usually cover their faces. Uyghur musical ensembles are popular.

Marriage Customs

Couples who plan to get married should undergomarriage interview and marriage contract ceremonies.These are ways of showing prudence and respect for the marriage rite.

交易ditionally, a young man who really wants to get married to a specific woman should go for a marriage interview first. This rule also applies to parents who want to have an arranged marriage for their son. The interview will confirm that the bridegroom knows everything about the future spouse. This includes their age, personality and family members.

The man canpropose marriageto a woman when he feels like he is ready. When the woman agrees to it, they should inform their family members. The marriage interview then follows. This is their way of making the relationship public and legitimate.

Other Customs

Uyghur people believe that entrance doors should not face west. They also believe thatthe proper way of sleepingis to lie on their back with their head facing towards the east. Male friends should shake hands when they meet. They also touch their chest using both of their hands.

Women should also salute whenmeeting and saying goodbye.It is very important to receive gifts using both hands. This shows respect and appreciation. Politeness is very important in their culture.

Uyghur Architecture

Karez WllFor the Uyghurs in Turpan, the aqueducts below ground were theirmonumental architectural masterpieces.

In the harsh lowland desert climate in the Tarim Basin that the Uyghurs inhabited for most of their history, an adequate and sure supply of water was essential for their survival.

The TurpanKarez water systemthat brought water to their town and fields is considered a historical masterpiece and is noted as one of China's three greatest ancient irrigation projects.

Uyghur Buildings

The Uyghurs didn't build great architectural projects above ground. But the Sugang Ta orEmin Minaretstill stands out. It was built in 1778 out of mud bricks. It has survived because it hardly rains, and is noted for its simple elegant earthen beauty

Uyghur Festivals and Celebrations

The Corban Festivalis the most important Islamic festival in their annual calendar. They celebrate it on the tenth day of the second month of the Islamic calendar. This is their chance to express their gratitude and faith in their religion. This is the most important part of the year where they hold the biggest worship ceremonies.

They always make sure theyprepare wellfor this day. Before the day comes, they clean their entire house. They also prepare their livestock. The people wake up early on the morning of the festival. They clean themselves and dress up. After that, they flock to local mosques for worship. They shouldn't eat for half of this day.

When the ceremony ends, people go home and prepare thelivestock for slaughter.The meat is equally divided into three parts. The first part is for the family who owns the livestock. Another part is for relatives or friends, and the remnant is given away as a donation. Every family that can afford it makes sure to give a share to the poorer Muslims.

After the traditional meal, they then go out to meet their relatives and friends. The most anticipated part of the festival is thesinging and dancing performances.这是对所有人公开看到在公共场所。用力推ough the festival, family and friendship bonds grow stronger.

Touring Uyghur Areas with Us

DunhuangThe camels are waiting foryouto get on.

Do you want to visit the Uyghurs?Our expert tour guides know the routes and beautiful people you can meet. They know the must-sees in Urumqi, Turpan, Kashgar and across the vast far-flung landscape of Xinjiang.

It is important to have a local and expert guide with you both to keep in line with government regulations and also to ensure a warm welcome among these sensitive, traditional people.

Our tour experts providecareful logistical planning and advicefor a tour of Xinjiang suited toyour interests

These tours may all be customized. Today, the Silk Road still tells many stories of ancient times and the exchange of cultures. We would be glad totailor-make a Silk Road tour for you

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